Public housing projects in various stages of construction

Vista view of public housing projects in Tabriz, under construction

Vista view of public housing projects in Tabriz, under construction
Public housing projects nearing completion
Above: completed housing blocks painted in varying colors.
Interior detail of near completed unit
Below: vista views of completed projects. Note children's playground in lower image.
Photos: Islamic Republic News Agency
Why is all the money being spent in Tehran + Tabriz? Why no public houses in Kordestan, Balochestan or Arabestan?
Marvelous pics! Appreciate that you share them with us, Mark.
The houses are beautifully desgined and nicely painted, beats some dull European ones.
Looks like the crap housing the USSR used to build. What ugly buildings!
of course sir -and another thing of interest is the fact that these projects are undertaken by local companies!.
They're housing projects, not mansions.
They actually look good. If you want to know what real "crap housing" looks like, you should see the housing estates and blocks of council flats in the UK. These Iranian blocks of flats are far better.
For 50 some years, no attention was paid to Tabriz. Thanks to Tabrizis, the great city of Tabriz held its grounds.Remember in 1950s, Tabriz was in competition with Tehran. Today it is 4th city.Why, because the central goverment not only did not promote Tabriz, hinders its progress by closing its borders and communication with neighbouring countries. Now with few public buildings, some ill wishers getting belly pain.Nobody gets upset when Mashhad, Esphahan, Shiraz, etc. receiving lion's share of attention. Godspeed Tabriz,against ill wishers.
Friend of Tabriz.
Well those "crap housing" council flats in the UK were built in the 1960s and are being replaced with very nice designs.Meanwhile the regime builds ugly 1960s housing that are sub standard and will collapse with the slightest earthquake.
They're not all being replaced. There are still many left. It's not just council flats. Council houses are usually just as bad. They are a symbol of deprivation, anti-social behaviour and crime.
B.M.A,does your country build massed mud huts ?
So if that's the case why is the regime copying the shitty designs of what Britain used to build back in the early 1960s?
By the sound of it you seem to live in the UK.If it so bad why do you live there?
Put up sticks and move back to sunny Iran and enjoy the Islamic fascist states hospitality.
I didn't say that I live in the UK. I'm saying that the housing estates and blocks of council flats there are real examples of "crap housing". These Iranian flats don't look like copies of British designs. They are actually better.
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