Japan suffered from an 8.9-magnitude earthquake and a tsunami that created 30-feet waves and washed over coastal cities in the northeast of the country. Hundreds are dead and concerns have mounted over possible radiation leaks from two nuclear reactors in the area.
Photo: AP via New York Times
The Japanese People are in my prayers. I pray for their strength in this troubling time.
There is only one god. The greatest. The almighty. The one and only. The creator of the heaven and earth. The creator of all living things.The ultimate owner of the whole universe including, the sky, the sun, the moon, the star, galaxies, gravity,the rain and all and everythings in which no any single human being could afford to calculate[uncountable] and imagine[it is much far beyond human's imagination]. All those mentioned living things are under god's full control and command. And no one is actually out of god's sight. We all came from god and we all shall return to god. The earthquakes, floods,tsunami and all of the disasters are under god's fully command, permission and supervision. Whoever we are, be it muslim or non-muslim,we are absolutely god's slaves by creations. The previous events of those kinds of all disasters were actually due to humans evil deeds and as reminders and punishments from god[the creator] and for those who wants to think it. There is no god except Allah[there is no god to be worshipped except Allah] and Muhammad[pbuh] is a prophet and messenger of Allah.
Mat...I commented right above. You have a very long post, that manages to utterly ignore the plight of the Japanese people. You rather substitute your religious convictions/obsessions, instead. Please, for a moment, at least try and refrain from your own selfish fanaticism. At least pretend that other human life for once at least, manages to triumph beyond your own earthly needs.
I have to concur with Anonymous.
Mat, if your God is such an ignorant miserable sadist then you're welcome to him. On the other hand, if people that don't have a clue about plate tectonics think the only possible explanation is that it's God's will, well, that's a really good case for a better education system if ever saw one.
Just as reminders to all human-kinds that ever lived on this earth. As a matter of fact,whether like or not, we all have to accept it. So, we , as god's creatures[god's creation], should get back on the right tracks and path of god's guidelines. Let's pray to god[Allah] and may in the name of god, the most gracious and the most merciful, bless the disaster-stricken japanese people and nation. Amin[Amen].
The matter of fact is 'we are no match to our 'Creator''. So, let's pray to the creator, may in the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, bless the disaster-stricken japanese people and nation. Amin[Amen].
Thoughts and prayers for all of the peopel in Japan and all who have parished in this terrible tragedy.
Our prayers for the surviving families.
ps. Mat, Get a grip.
The new design is nice, but two comments: please shrink the Uskowi on Iran banner - way too large.
Also scrolling on Internet explorer is not the smoothest ...
“The previous events of those kinds of all disasters were actually due to humans evil deeds and as reminders and punishments from god.”
This is exactly what the Bible Belt's self-righteous christians in USA said when Iranians were pulling the bodies of their innocent children and babies from the rubbles of their homes in Kerman and Gilan earthquakes - we were all evil, deserving of the the eternal punishment. Dear Mat, in what way are you different? Do you realise how hurtful your comment may be to a Japanese reading this blog?
My thoughts are with those Japanese who have lost their loved ones in this act of nature.
Mat what are you babbling about? More than 10,000 people are dead and half a million displaced in this tragedy and you still woffling about Alah and Mohammed?!
Either you are not sound or belong to a group of fanatics (muslim, Christian, jews etc) who think their way of life is the true one and the rest of humans will go to hell. So on that token only muslim and specifically shias are the chosen one. I have never seen a human being so ignorant and brainwashed. You are a disgrace to human race.
Mat or Mustafa or whatever mentioned:
"The previous events of those kinds of all disasters were actually due to humans evil deeds and as reminders and punishments from god[the creator] and for those who wants to think it."
Yep a two year child got killed and millions displaced are paying for the price of their sin?
How low a human can get by making these remarks. If that is the way you and your wretched religion believe then Iran does not deserve you or your fucked up religion.
I'll continue to keep the Japanese in prayer but to my God whose name is Jesus.
If I were wrong, I hereby, would like to apologize for all those disaster-struck victims all over the world. Whoever you were, let's altogether pray, may the god bless those them and may all their souls rest in peace. Amin[Amen].
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