Contingent of Saudi troops arriving in Bahrain. 14 March 2011
Troops from Saudi Arabia and police officers from the UAE crossed into Bahrain today to help the government quell unrest and the rising democratic movement in the island.
Photo: Contingent of Saudi troops arriving in Bahrain. 14 March 2011. Bahrain TV via AFP/New York Times
This is outright INVASION and OCCUPATION of a foreign country by Wahabbi thugs supported by US. Imagine the hue and cry if Iran had reoccupied Bahrain which it has a legal and historical right to do so?
The US and its morbin collection of Zionists and the three "international community" stooges will justify the Saudi occupation now turn a blind eye to this brutal Saudi occupation and suppression f Bahraini majority Shia by the Al-Khalifah pimps.
The strategic winds of change are against the regional despots. The next phase in al-Saud family occupied Hejaz will be armed struggle by the locals against these imperialist installed regimes. The winds from Yemen to Bahrain do not auger well for the tyrants.
If u think u are an Irani, what are u doing in Bahrain? why dont u go back to Iran? and let Bahrainis live in Bahrain..U are still under the delusion that Iran would occupy Bahrain...its like Pakistan would occupy Kashmir...Now GCC has okyed this support by brotherly nations..al what they are here for is to restore normal life.....how can u say the protests in Bahrain have been peaceful when u are openly moving around and attacking people with knives, swords, molotovs,,,,,,come on mate...Royalty rules many countries around the world..i come from one of the largest democracies in the world...the rule of law must be the key words...
And these are the same countries who demand a no-fly-zone over Libya...
American hypocrisy become more apparent day by day in the region..Can you imagine the uproar had this been Iran blatantly invading another country in broad day light just because that country's government invited Iran to do so?
Why do i have a feeling this will backfire BIG TIME...
Hopefully Iran takes the bait!
Bahrain should not have been given away to these Arabs. If required Iran should take action to support its interest and get Bahrain back. It is in the interest of Iran to divide and keep Arabs weak. That includes Iraq, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. These people do not understand anything except force.
First Bahrain may have been ruled in the past by Iran but Bahrainis are Arabs. So in this case, Bahrain should be governed by Bahrainis neither by IRAN nor Saudi-Family!
Of course the Shiites should be allowed to have their say in the government but i reject policy based on the sects since this will end into injustice and civil strife (e.g. Lebanon).
Finally i want to describe my disgust on these racist comments mady by "persians" on this page. Always when it is about Arabs i'm reading a lot of racism against Arabs. Sunnis are becoming "Wahabis" (whatever this is).
No question about the hypoc. of the Americans. But I am glad they are where they are. The American 5:th fleet in Bahrain. The Mullah's can dream on about spreading their so called revolution.
By the way I don't hear any of you saying anything about the protests in Syria !!
The Syrian government (Minority Shia) ruling over majority Sunnis !
double standard by the US policy.the king is rotten apple n should be cut off.
@anon March 15, 2011 4:35 PM
You know nothing about the history of Syria. Actually Syria is secular and religous freedom is protected.
In Syria it is not about Religion since Assad is not a real Shiite like you have said, he belongs to the Alawites which are a very small sect and normally not recognized by the 12er shias as Shiites nor Muslims.
I think I know more than you about the history of Syria.
The alawites are a sect within the shia minority. yes you are right they are not accepted by the 12er shias because they believe that after the 6:th shia Imam it is someone else and not the 7:th imam who was supposed to be the "leader".
Secular hm with the Iranian standards yes , but defen. a Dictatorship. Tell me all of you bitching about the Saudi Royal family. (yes I believe they are corupt) but what do you call a system where the son of the president is "elected" (Big joke) president for life?
Assad is the same kind of a Dictator as Mobarak, Fahad, and Khamenei!
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