Protesters at Tahrir Square. 6 February
The Egyptian opposition, including the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Mohamed ElBaradei, met with Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman and other government officials today to discuss top issues for the opposition, including freedom of the press and the release of those detained since antigovernment protests started two weeks ago. The two sides also started their dialogue on amending the country’s constitution to allow the emergence of a freely elected government in Egypt.
Meanwhile, tens of thousands of protesters continued their occupation of Cairo’s Tahrir Square. But the army has urged them to scale back their occupation, with their tanks remaining in position on the square.
Photos -- Top: Suliman Oteifi / AP via NYTimes. Bottom: Scott Nelson / The New York Times
I am not sure an average Iranian knows much about Egpyt or cares about Eygpt. In adition, with respect most of this news is already covered in International media in depth. Iran had this threshold more than 30 years ago. The reader tends to turn to this forum primarily for its extensive defence news coverage and somehow Iranian related news in general. Adding fringe news like this in my opinion is not much of a value.
To Anon @11:38:
The unfolding of events in Egypt is of interest to the readers of this blog because it would have a profound and far-reaching political and social repercussion on our beloved country. It is therefore proper that it is given a place in this very Iranian blog for discussion and debate. With respect, I found your comment rather patronizing and disrespectful to the readers and the authors of this blog.
To Reader,
Well I guess we have to agree to differ on this matter. I also fail to see where the profound implication of Egypt on Iran is coming from. You may care to elaborate what an average Iranian has anything in common with an Egyptian?
Well you may argue they both adhere to Islam but what else?
As I stated before I think the point is that Iran was there 30 years ago and the process of democracy in Iran and for that matter anywhere else will take as long as it takes. Without a sound industrial base and reasonably developed economy there is no chance of full democracy to succeed. I believe we all agree that Eygptian uprising has a long way to go before getting to the current level of Iran.
How the opposition in Egypt, and in Tunisia, chose its battle cry, targeting Mubarak, and Ben Ali, and the government’s response to mass political protests and demonstrations are of interest not only to the citizens and observers of those countries, but the region as a whole, including Iran. The government of Iran is put on notice by the turn of events in Egypt and Tunisia that civil unrests can and indeed are handled through more civilized methods than those employed in Iran during the Green movement in 2009, and the opposition of Iran can study the strategy and tactics of the Egyptian protesters. Hence the interest in developments in Egypt.
I do agree with the commentator that developments in Iran should indeed be the focus of this blog. And they actually do account for almost all the topics posted and discussed in this blog.
To Anon 11:45
You are underestimating and unintentionally insulting the intelligence of an average Iranian citizen. I am not the one for long comments but the following two recent postings in this blog will hopefully give you a glimpse of how the events in Egypt is providing stimulus for debate and change in Iran.
1. The Greens Bid to Hold Pro-Egyptian Rally in Tehran
2. Khamenei's Friday Prayer sermon to the Egyptian people
The two main players in the Iranian politics are claiming that the Egyptian uprising is mirroring their own idea of revolution or uprising. The unfolding of the events in Egypt will no doubt shed some light on the strength or weakness of the points put forward by these two opposing parties. It is providing an excellent stimulus and opportunity for debate and change. If the Egyptians succeed in bringing about a democracy that embraces all the religions and school of thoughts then hopefully the people in power will rethink their position and meet the aspiration of the ordinary Iranian for freedom and democracy.
I sincerely hope that all Muslim countries (incl.Iran) can and will eventually adopt the AKP model although Turkey was in a unique position (NATO), the AKP (formerly "Virtue Party") had to overcome a lot of challenges and had to wait more than a decade before it could afford a foreign policy (relatively) independent from Europe (EU), from the EU and US (again NATO!) and from Israel.
The West (and esp. the US) can't survive without its bogeyman and unfortunately Iran has been cast for this role and so it will face the biggest challenge to overcome this EXTERNALLY imposed isolation.
Given the circumstances, perhaps they should either cover up or take down the picture on the wall... I may be wrong, but it looks like a young Hosni Mubarak...
The notion of tolerance does not exist in Islam. In so far as Iran is concerned Iran will never be a fully democratic country until such time that the country sheds itself from having this religious ideology imbedded within its foundation. The same goes to Eygpt and others any one entertaining in having Islam as a banner. Democracy demands respect and tolerance for other views and Islam (much like most other religions) has none of that. The Green movement and the governement may be racing to prove a point. However, neither of them is a solution to Iran's problems. This is because they are fundamentally the same people adhering to the same dogmatic ideology!
I find it rather strange how the West always demonize Islamic democracy while their own system of governance if based on Judeo-Christian religion modified as neo-liberal democracy.The hypocrisy of the West is outstanding and again been proven by the latest protests in Egypt.They seem to prefer "stability" over democracy.They're also doing all they can to hijack the people's revolution by throwing words like "reform","smooth transition" etc around.There are over 300 deaths as a result of police brutality (far worse than what happened in Iran) yet not a word of condemnation or even UNSC meeting to call for sanctions.They even stop short of calling Mubarak a dictator.
A similar thing happened in Iran in 2009,although on a different level, with less deaths and injured yet the whole western world was up in arms.Iranian leaders feel vindicated after all that's happened in Egypt by the exposure of west's double standards.As it stand, the US or EU wouldn't dare preach democracy to any country in the Middle East ever again after this Egypt fiasco.The common Iranian on the street is no fool and has no illusion as to what democracy is or isn't after witnessing what happened in Iraq,Afghanistan, Yemen etc.And also to think democracy will solve all of Iran's problems is a bit short sighted, to say the least.Just look at the former soviet blocks and see how democracy's working for them.
To Nader,
I tend to agree with Mark that the Egyptian response to the revolt was more brutal than that of Iran.
Also Iran has good reason to fear the hand of the West in encouraging regime change through the "Green movement", by contrast the West is more interested in maintaining the status quo in Egypt which gives Egyptian establishment the opportunity of trying to reach a belated settlement with the opposition forces.
Also as the "Angry Arab" has said, if this was Iran there would've been 1000 UNSC resolutions by now. In the case of Egypt, to my knowledge, the UNSC hasn't convened once!
The US/Zionists are manipulating the Egyptian uprising with no intention of ever letting a free PEOPLE POWER in the Arab world or a real DEMOCRACY. It just once again shows how subservient the Arabs remain and how easily they are manipulated by foreign powers unlike the Iranians who in 1979 withstood the armed might of both the "shah's" parade ground army and the US, including Huyser's failed mission.
It once again proves the naiveity and immaturity of Arab masses. The Egyptians were supposed to be more "sophisticated" and "educated", if they can be manipulated by the US/Zionist axis so easily, may the heavens help the rest of the more "unsophisticated" Arabs. The US never has any intention of letting this movement turn nationalistic and the Egyptian military like the Saudi "National Guard" or the Pakistani military in effect is a mercenary enslaved army with a corrupt officer corps totally subservient to the US and the Zionists.
As any person who knows anything about the Egyptian military knows full well that the US controls even the fuel, spares and even small calibre bullets for the Egyptian army. All Egyptian military stores are under US supervision and all senior officer corps is hand picked by the Pentagon.
If you paid attention to the photos of older model M1-AI Abrams tanks that were used to suppress the demosntrators at Tehrir Square they had RDFR (Rapid Deployment Force Reserve) incribed on frontal armor plating. Even the sandy desert paint is from US storage. Egypt is a warehouse for US warmongering in the region.
It is a sad day for the fooled Egyptians indeed. Egypt will remain enslaved and Mobarek will eventualy be replaced by another pharoah from the military.
The Egyptian crises has once again proved that the Arabs are hopeless at war and even more clownish in a civil uprising. It is almost comedic how aimless the whole affair is and lacks the focus to remove a despotic regime ensconed in well guarded palace on the Nile. The whole Egyptian uprising lacks dedicated leadership or an ultimate goal. It is quite obvious that the US and the Zionists will retain a military dictatorship in Egypt to promote their insidious agenda while the poor Egyptians are tortured and trampled.
Millions of muslims continue to leave Islam and become followers of Jesus Christ... the hatred spewed in these comments only solidifies our reasons.
@ anon...February 8, 2011 2:33 AM
Actually Islam is the world's fastest growing religion. You should try leaving the trailer park once in a while and turn off FOX/CNN and the clueless Islamophobia, may do wonders for you. There are 2 BILLION Muslims now and soon 3 BILLION by 2025. In US and UK, particularly women and Hispanics have the highest conversion rates to Islam. Even the war criminal Tony Blair's (LIAR) sister-in-law became a Muslim after visiting Iran.
Get a clue dude and quit the worn out Zionist fanned Islamopbia. Not having a very good life..eh.
To Gifted one,
Nearly two years after the Green demonstrations, there are still more than 1,000 people in prison for their participation, and in some famous cases for their sympathies to the movement. The list includes some of the most senior officials of the Islamic Republic in previous administrations, the likes of former foreign ministers. people were also executed for their participation in the demonstrations a year after the situation was under control, and many dies on the streets during the protests.
This is naked brutality by a regime who is ready to put down any opposition, including from their own inner circles, to maintain their power. It is not like Egypt's, I agree. Egypt was a police state and dictatorship of the old authoritarian variety, very much like the Shah's. Iran is more like the totalitarian varieties, combining brutality with ideology. Enjoying the support of a large segment of the society through their programs and their ideology, but brutally forcing out the opposition of any kind.
3:09 Your ignorance and assumptions are pitiful and it's people like you who were the driving force for me to leave my Islamic faith and become a Christian. Sure Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world but religions are manmade. The bible also says that in the last days there will be lawlessness. Real Christianity is not a religion, it is a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe. I hope you find the truth one day my friend.
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