click photos to enlarge

SWAT team equipped with Heckler & Koch MP5 and SIG Sauer P226

SWAT team forms up for mock assault. Note the lack of helmets and armored vehicle.

NAJA special unit with anti-ballistic body armor and G3 battle rifle (LMG)

NAJA law enforcement sniper team

Current incarnation of NAJA antiriot gear

NAJA armored water cannon vehicle (AWCV)

Theatrical performance (!) with NAJA police truck

NAJA Aviation Mil Mi-17-1(Sh) transport helicopter
Photos: Mahdi Marizad at Fars News Agency
Yep they are being trained for the election and how to suppress the nation's legitimate demands
they were imported, but had they used the body armore on a drill with reporters, would have meant sanctiones and assassinations of the exporters by CIA/Mossad/MI6.
Iran has understood the nature of things and acts accordingly, well done.
Who are the real terrorists?
Just over two years ago this regime was struggling to keep control of the streets.
Their secret weapon was Mir Hussien
to control the masses to prevent them going off course which would have lead to the destruction of
the theocratic state.
Until the Iranian nation learns not to trust anybody from this regime we will be held hostage to their whims.
When that day arrives, which will be soon nothing will stop the Iranian nation from achieving its goals of getting rid of and establishing a secular democratic state.
are the real terrorists
(Terrorists are those spreading terror)
Mrs Anon 6:27
REPLY TO anon 4
YOUR are PROPOSING A STINKING AND STALE MEAL TO THE NOBLE ISLAMIC IRANIANS!!! .do not force a pagan democratic staff down our throats!!!!.
Mr Anon 6:27 AM
The real terrorists are the ones who
are your idols in Tehran and propagating their nonsense through
ANON 11:16 AM
"(Terrorists are those spreading terror)"
So Hamas ,Hezbollah,Taliban they spread terror as well don't they?
anon 1:14 PM..You're such a sore loser...
Your hatred for Iranians, disguised as hatred for mullahs is so transparent..Take your hatred elsewhere...
Anon 1:14 PM
I won't argue with that, but CIA and Mossad do deserve to be called terrorists too. After all, these are the same people who taught torture techniques to SAVAK and SAVAK used those techniques (with CIA's blessings) to terrorized the dissidents during the Shah's time.
Anon 5:26 AM
I don't disguise nothing pal and since when have mullahs considered themselves as true Iranians?
This Islamist regime considers anything before Islamic invasion of Iran as savage which is a joke because this regime is more savage than cave men were over 50000 years ago. Even animals are better bless them.
I've come to the conclusion that you get offended by people simply calling the regime thieves and terrorists which they rightfully are in the eyes of the Iranian people.
Your hatred shows against the Iranian people by your disrespect towards the thousands of victims of the Islamist state and your refusal to accept that the greater majority of Iranians want to see the back of this tyranny.
The SAVAK is nothing compared to the present security services in Iran, trust me.This regime spend far far greater amounts of money for men and material to crush any opposition in the country.During the Shahs time you didn't have the amount of men in every street corner like you have now.This regime spends huge resources just to arrest women who are not wearing their headscarf right or men that don't have the correct hair style.The Shah might have had his faults but his not anything comparable to these savages.
----After all, these are the same people who taught torture techniques to SAVAK-----
yeah, I was pretty sure that there was no torture in iran's history and it was introduced by westerners.
(you might want to look into the something native to iran and known as scaphism)
Anon October 7, 10:42 PM
Torture is as old as the hills.What the CIA taught most likely was electronic psychological warfare techniques which took it out of the realm of hammer and nails.
This present regime uses types of torture that would make the CIA blush.
One kind of torture regime uses is throwing victims of the fourth floor while their goons pick them up below, if they are lucky only with broken arms and legs.
Anon 9:51 PM
To claimed that SAVAK is nothing is an insult to those who suffered brutality at the hands of SAVAK. In fact, my uncle, a secular intellectual, was one of the SAVAK's victims. His crime was criticizing the Shah's regime and SAVAK took him away from my family's house, never to be seen again.
It's true that this current regime has far more henchmen than the Shah has, but the level of brutality exhibited by the Shah's regime weren't that much different from the present regime.
I didn't say the SAVAK was nothing.I said they are nothing compared too the present regimes security forces.The scale of oppression is far greater and violent than SAVAK ever conducted on the general population from the trivial to the more serious for example arresting girls for simply wearing red shoes and showing their painted toe nails.
Also up till now this regime despite its propaganda still has not found a single mass grave which they claimed the Shah has caused under his rule.But already there are a number of mass graves under this regime which are known.
Although mistakes were done under the Shah the solution shouldn't have been a Islamic dictatorship which is a far worse system of government because any opposition against them will be legitimately crushed in the name of Allah and such regimes have been proven to be far more violent and oppressive than any other.
The SAVAK even kept Khamenei and most of the present regime in comfort under arrest and did not mistreat them.I like to see this regime doing the same thing.
What the issue should be here is what can we do about the present regime and its savagery because we can change the present direction of our country for a much brighter future.
Anon 7:52 PM
What the issue should be here is what can we do about the present regime and its savagery because we can change the present direction of our country for a much brighter future.
Well, the way I see it, we have two options to deal with the present regime. Either the Iranians overthrow the regime from within or the West will do it for them. Personally, I would rather see the Iranians do it themselves than to see foreign powers intervene to remove the regime. I won't get in a debate about SAVAK, but ProudPersian is right to call the CIA (and M16 as well) terrorists not because of their collaboration with the SAVAK, but because of their role in engineering the overthrow of the democratically elected Mossadegh government in 1953 and the installation of the Shah as the puppet dictator. If it wasn't for the West's interference in Iran at that time, the events that led up to the 1979 Iranian Revolution would have not happened in the first place.
Anon 11:29 PM
"but because of their role in engineering the overthrow of the democratically elected Mossadegh government in 1953 and the installation of the Shah as the puppet dictator."
I have heard this tiresome argument before but lets get something corrected here.
1.Parliament approved of Mossadegh and the Shah excepted it.He was not democratically elected.
2.Mossadegh wanted approval to take the role of commander of chief of the armed forces therefor undermining the tradition held by the monarch.
3.The armed forces were infiltrated by 300 tudeh officers and deceptively supported Mossadegh but their loyalty laid with Soviet Union and as you hopefully know they bordered Iran at that time like Afghanistan.(look what happened to them)
4.The facts are that the Shah was the Monarch of the country from 1941 and his father Reza Shah was the king both legitimate in the eyes of Parliament and people.At that time Iranian people didn't want a communist system in Iran because if it did happen Iran would be like Afghanistan today.When the Shah came back to Iran in 1953 he still was the king as before so no one installed our system of government except ourselves because to say likewise is demeaning our armed forces and says that Iranians are incapable of planning internal operations.The CIA and MI6 claim a lot of credit for their so called operations and down grading the Iranian military for their operations typical Western arrogance and people buy this story.
5.The Mullahs supported the Shah and didn't want a republic just like when they didn't want a republic when Reza Shah came to power.
6.The Shah and Mossadegh are both responsible for what has happened to Iran because there was never a democratically elected government in Iran and plays into the hands of the Islamist that rule Iran today as they use this as a whipping tool against Iranians who are trying to overthrow the Islamic Tyranny.
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