The UAE deal includes 96 missiles, along with supporting technology and training support, including a contract with Lockheed Martin to produce the highly sophisticated Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, weapon system for the country. This is the first time the THAAD system is sold to a foreign military [AP, 31 December].
The US is already upgrading the Saudi’s Patriot missiles at a cost of $1.7 billion, and is providing 209 Patriot missiles to Kuwait valued at $900 million.
The F-15SA deal with the Saudis includes 84 new fighter jets and upgrades for 70 more.
Top Photo: Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor missile being test launched. 5 October 2011. U.S. Missile Defense Agency/AP.
Bottom Photo: Saudi F15SA Strike Eagles. Boeing/The Washington Post.
strange that this post doesn't make the fairly obvious connection between the hyping of the "Iran threat" narrative, and US weapons sales in the region. Difficult to see the wood for the trees?
Gifted One, you must have missed the obvious reference in the post: “The two agreements are part of a massive defense buildup by Arab states of the Persian Gulf amid rising tensions in their relationships with Iran.”
America weapons are junk only chin and russia weapons re first class only buy the best ok.
More Arab money being syphoned away into US banks while the masses eat sand...lol.They once had such pliable 'ally' in the Shah of Iran.Back then, the Soviet Union was the "threat" that needed "containment" so the Shah's main role was to contain the Soviet Union.Kid you not!!!
For the US, Iran is just a convenient "threat" in this time in history.Think about it.If the US ever eliminate the "Iranian threat", how else are they going to sell their overpriced and defunct weapons to these Sheiks to feed their stupid paranoia?
If there was a university qualification for idiocy and hubris, these Sheiks will be top students with "A+" bar none..lol
Funny thing is, they don't allow their people near these new weapons let alone how to use them.The rational here is that maybe their citizens may get 'funny ideas' and use those same weapons to overthrow them.lol
Does the US really believe countries like UAE will stand a chance against the Iranian army? LOL :D
Russian weapons? First class? Oh, like the Russian sub that burned the other day?!? LOL!
Nader, your statement is rather neutral, i guess your point being that it's a lucky coincidence for US arms manufacturers that amid the rising tensions between Iran and the Arab Pimpdoms American weapons sales are booming?
Hmm, I guess it was the same kind of lucky coincidence that resulted in all those Halliburton no-bid contracts in Iraq. Some would never believe that the US would initiate, or exploit, war, and the threat of war for financial gain.
Anon 9:54 AM
If American weapons are "junk" why after 35 years Iran still uses the "junk" as its main line of defense.
If Iran was given the opportunity by the US they would snap up any US weapon available.
You people only convince yourselves that US weapons are "junk" because the US proved that Russian and Chinese weapon systems are absolute junk every time there was a conflict.
Useless junk for the rich Arab to refinance the new fighter jet generations
Now it all makes sense.. Make noise and threats over Iran, scare the Arabs and stuff those old hardware up......
Good business...I think however, the Arabs play the dumb to be left alone .
Yes but don't forget the U.S. is also selling $11 billion dollars worth of arms to Iran indirectly through Iraq. I'll be writing about this next week.
The facts are that Iran would love to have US weapons contrary to what some regime apologists say that it's junk.The reason they say that is because they know Iran has no options to buy weapons from where it likes except maybe China and they are not allowed to sell certain types of weapons.And before anybody says that Iran produces its own weapons they can't produce certain types of weapons and even China which is more advanced can't produce those weapons without buying them.
The stupid King dome instead of used this people money to make the desert in green zone and plan few million trees their pay for something over price for military expend how are so stupid do not realized the king dome days in number and sooner or later in this day will be change with either by them own people or by usa and west this weapon is always to protect the west interest not anyone els.
Gifted One,
The subject of this post was the delivery of these advanced systems to the UAE and the KSA. It appears that you are interested more on the business side of the issue, how the US defense companies sell arms to the countries in the Persian Gulf. That’s an important subject and if you get a chance and write an article on the subject, we’ll be more than happy to publish it in this blog.
The region is set for a perfect fireball..
USA, will not sale gullible Arabs
top of the line weapons systems.
Gullible Arabs, will get old f-18's
not f-22's. And I gaurantee, that the f-18's will be rigged not to harm israel! THAAAD anti missile System is no longer sold to developed nations, anymore. Patriot-3 and Iron dome systems are better. but have to many orbit gaps and can be supressed and manipulated by decoys. I.A.D. Experts say that, no Anti missile defense system,can gaurantee
100% protection. But according to their recommendations, the swedes are the best in the business.
The Saab RBS15 Mk3. is the best anti- missile defense system in the world. But the swedes share their technology with no one. not even with the Israelis, or the Americans. Thats why their systems are hopeless Trash! and the Arabs are to Gullible to figure this out.
Furthermore we know that, USA weapons systems are garbage products. Because it's all in the iraqi desert, gathered into one gigantic trash pile! LoL!!!
Anon 1:47 PM
You know absolutely nothing and also a comedian.
Those F18s are better than anything in Iran's air force by decades.
And in Iraq there is only Russian junk destroyed in the dessert by the US army.
Is it your hobby to write nonsense?
December 31, 2011 3:04 PM.
If you believe that. Youre as gullible as the Saudi's. Dude you must be a gullible person! because you talk like one. LOL LOL LOL!!!
Anon 4:00 PM
I see only one gullible and ignorant person on this thread and it's namely you acting like a silly infantile who is very clueless about the realities of the world.
Grow up for your own sake.
@ mark pyruz..quite an interesting statement, can't wait to read about it!
@ all.. this stuff isn't junk. it can be useful or not depending on how and by who they are maintained /used. Divination is a time killer many here should stop entertaining.
Anon 3:04 PM
Those F18s are better than anything in Iran's air force by decades.
Better than F-4s and F-5s, certainly. However, Iran's current frontline fighters, MiG-29s can give F-18s a run for their money.
Anon 7:58 PM
Iran has about 48 MIG 29As.The Russian avionics are inferior compared to American ones as proved by Iran's F14A Tomcats in the Iran/Iraq war.
The latest F15s with Saudi AWACS will be a match against any Iranian fighter plane.But of course the Iranian F14 is still a threat but Iran has very limited number of them in operation and are difficult to maintain due to shortage of spare parts.And in times of war spare parts are consumed much faster to keep the aircraft operational.
Some of the Persian gulf Arab states have the F18s roughly about 100 units plus the Euro fighter which is very advanced supplied to Saudi about 90 units plus their 200 F15s eagles.Then you have the US navy with each aircraft carrier carrying about 90 F18 Hornets.
You can easily see this spells trouble against the Iranian air defense which just about manages to defend its own airspace let alone the Persian gulf and most importantly the Indian ocean which all the US assets will be placed to strike Iranian bases and military assets with.
One more important item the AWACS air defense system is operated by Saudi Arabia and the US air force.These systems are the eyes and ears of a modern 21st century military without it you might as well be deaf and blind.The Iranians lack this very important system and therefore cannot launch well coordinated operations against a major foe like the US.
The F18 hornet is more than a match against MIG29s but if it was the SU30 it would slightly be a different story but Iran has none of those in their inventory.
last years cia final report iran f14 tomcat all part has been build in this country of iran plus even the f18d no match of f14 please look on military side to see the electronic and avionic capability just one thing of tom cat radar is 297km and f18d 130km f18 without awax f18 would be blind ofcourse is strong aircraft for multiporpose attakers but is not close to tomcat iran has atleast 60tom cat available base on latest report on military from 2009.
MASSIVE DEFENSE BUILDING IN THE MIDDLE EAST -a testimony of IRAN'S military prowess and influence!!-
WE have said it all here that IRANIANS are not Arabs!!.And the difference b/tween these two people is not their tongue, but their attitude .let me not go further in that direction,but a cursory look on ISLAM will teach you that the ARABS are simply drunk with arrogance and empty chauvinism .SOMEONE may call me Names but look around the borders of SAUDI ARABIA AND THE UAE.do you see any enemy threatening their respective [BRITISH]protectorates? .but Arabs don't disappoint! they will am-mas weapons and a day will come when their masters will want a regime change.when this time comes these same fine wine drinking SHEIKS will want to resist and wage a holy war ,a jihad against NATO!USING THESE SAME SHINY TOOLS FROM THE WEST!.[DIDN'T SADDAM AND GADDAFI AM MAS WEAPONS BOUGHT FROM THE WEST THEN THOUGHT THEY COULD FIGHT THE WEST WITH THE SAME TOOLS-when will Arabs learn something ?]-IMAGINE the USA selling you a weapon which they know one day shall be in the hands of Jihadists!MAY THE ALMIGHTY BLESS THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF PERSIA-WHO'S CULTURE FORMED THE BACKBONE OF THE Islamic CIVILIZATION,a people who won the praise of the HOLLY PROPHET OF ISLAM!today IRAN IS BARKING WITH HONOR SCARING EVERY ILL INTENTIONED ADVENTURIST !BUT THEY DO THIS relying on their own tools produced by their sons and daughters in the defense industries ,the range of their tools and sophistication unknown to their enemies! and this is what scares them!JUST LOOK HOW EASILY THE ARABS ARE FOOLED THAT THEY HAVE AN ENEMY IN IRAN WHILE ISRAEL MOLESTS PALESTINIANS WITH IMPUNITY!!. if all this money were used in medical research and technology,it could be very beneficial to mankind.but a kingdom that is a BRITISH PROTECTORATE WON'T GO THAT WAY!.
with due respect!Why do you want to scare away the bird before it settles on the twig of the tree?!.
I see that you are a very eloquent soul. and an advocate of the true History of your People!
I am not Persian, But I believe that the very sword of the prophet himself. Is in the hand of the great Persian People. their is no doubt that the light of Islam is coming out of Persia. All Persians should be proud! I declare to the world this day that you are the Brave descendants of Muhammad(pbuh)
and Cyrus the Great, defender of the jewish people!(may Allah be pleased). May Allah bless Iran!
These Oil Sheiks will be gone soon..The US just needs a bit of cash injection in their economy so they revive the tried and tested "Iranian threat" to feed the stupid paranoia of these Oil Sheiks.
The US really doesn't expect UAE or Saudi Arabia to launch an attack on Iran.Even with all the collective effort of the Arab world plus Western countries fully behind Saddam against Iran,they still couldn't win. The West had to physically intervene after they realized Iran was actually winning the war against Saddam(not Iraq).
I pity these fools.
Anon 9:53 PM
In times of war the F14 fleet will consume all available spare parts within two weeks.Iran has not got 60 F14s operational but about 30 units.
They are well over 35 years old and have been retired by the US navy.
You have forgotten that Saudi shot down two Iranian F4 phantoms in the mid 1980s guided by US AWACS.
Dreaming comes easy !
Let the Islamic regime dream on and dream the dream that they can win a war against the US.
There is an old song that started like this.....Dream dream dream
dream dream dreeeeeam
Who cares ? "Muslims" are getting weapons from the "destroyers of Muslims"(though almost useless, what a joke, just ask some Israeli how many F-35 is needed to destroy them ,3 to 4). Iran won't attack any Arab countries and Arab countries won't participate in any war against Iran as they aren't able to.Arabs are no fighters, they lost their dignity many years ago when they bowed down to the Zionists and brought shame on everything that is Islamic.Iran became the enemy of the Zion controlled west because it stood for the Palestine Sunni Arabs when no Arab Pimpdom could do that.Iran is sacrificing many things for the Arabs in many ways but until now there is no positive feedback , so it seems it is not all the general Arabs but only the crypto Jew Pimps who run these great lands like it is their farms. For these pimps many Muslim countries do not even feel for the Arabs anymore. What a shame.
To all who say "Iran would love to have US weapons",
Yes, Iran will but Iran won't buy them ,will hack/shoot them down, let them come ,let them come more.
Dreaming comes easy !
Let the Islamic regime dream on and dream the dream that they can win a war against the US.
There is an old song that started like this.....Dream dream dream
dream dream dreeeeeam
Even the US knows they couldn't possibly win a war with Iran in the long run.War is not how many people you kill or how many buildings you manage to destroy.War is what you you're able to achieve at the end of the battle.I don't think bombing countries into submission makes them love you.A clear case in point is Iraq.The US has been finally kicked out so in effect, they've lost the war.Same will happen in Afghanistan.
Why do you think they've been barking for the last 32 years without carrying out their threats and rather resorting to anti-Iranian terrorists to do their bidding? There's only one person dreaming here - and it's you.
Anon 2:59 AM
Dreaming comes easy !
Dream the dream that Iran could win a war against the US.
Dreaming after all is dreaming and dreaming belongs in the land of nod.
Anon 11:23 PM
Iran already uses 35 year old US made weapons and they are hanging to dear life with them!
90 PER CENT of the Iranian air force is of US origin and will remain so for years to come due to sanctions.
Iran wished it could have new US equipment because they know it's the best.
Anon 11:11 PM.......Iranians don't give a damn about being Muslims but Iranians first and we certainly don't give a damn about the Palestine or Israel or your nonsense.Go and peddle your rubbish for the Arab and Pakistani illiterate masses.
Anon January 2, 2012 1:10 PM
Hey Israeli . Don't lecture others for whom to care for and whom to not. Iran and Iranians care for Islam . Iran and Iranians care for everything that is Islamic and of course Iran care for Arabs as Todays Islam came from Arabs.Iran care for Pakistan , Palestine too. Go curse yourself.
Saudi hackers posted personal info and credit card info(though those credit card numbers are rejected now) of 400 thousand Israelis , and this is a new year present. Even though Saudi PimpKing is not by our side our Saudi brothers are really on the right track.May Allah bless them.
Anon 11:55 PM
Seriously are you Iranian because your comment doesn't amount to a bag of beans.
So what if a bunch of Saudis hacked Israeli credit cards.Does it benefit Iranians in any shape form or color?
You sound like one of those foreign non Iranian Islamist plebs. Pitiful.
Anon 11:32 AM.....When it comes to cursed look no further than the foreign Islamist that people like you represent who just so happens to be non Iranian.
Pitiful soul indeed.
Some banana heads on this site claim to be Iranian but in reality they are foreign agents of the Islamic regime who claim that Iranians support foreign Islamist or Islamist ideology for Iran.Well guys I have bad news for you Iranians only care for Iran not Islam.
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