IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari
Israel and American military bases in the Middle East is all within the range of Iranian missiles, says IRGC Commander, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari.
“Although we are capable of increasing the range of our missiles, we don't think it would be necessary because today our semiregional enemy -- the Zionist regime (Israel)-- is within the range of our missiles,” Gen. Jafari said. “As for the American forces -- if they were to back Israeli threats -- they would be closer to us than them and would be within the range of our firepower as well,” he added [Fars News Agency, 22 April].
Photo: Fars News Agency
after all the aggresive threats from the reps of the states and Gates next t0 Mullen and the rest of the terror gang, this was not exactly a threat.
was a little warning, without style.
and where are the news?
US, Israel and others are all well within range of Iran so why is this even news? They have nukes in the Persian Gulf for petes sake. Its funny how the US, Israel, drop bombs all over the region routinely. (Lets not forget about the nuking of Japan) but if someone has a firecracker pointed at them it becomes a news story? Hilarious
This is actually an official confirmation of my own past analyses, where I stated that Iran is not focused on building an ICBM, exactly for the reasons Jafari outlines as well as a few other reasons.
Why does the IRI insist on treating Israel as an enemy? If they leave Israel alone, the Israelis will leave the IRI alone.
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