click photos to enlarge

T-72Z/Safir-74 main battle tank

IRGC T-72S main battle tanks under their own power

Trailered IRGC T-72S main battle tank

IRGC T-72S MBTs rolling over Old Glory

Artesh M-60A1 main battle tank

Background: M-47M main battle tank

BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle

BTR-60PB variant armored personnel carriers

BTR-60PB armored personnel carriers

Background: Boragh AAA, AMV and APC variants

T-55 based technical support vehicle

Background: M-47 Dragon/Saegeh ATGM
Hamid Forootan at ISNA
Hassan Mousavi and Nima Najafzadeh Fars News Agency
Mohammad Khoshneshin at
Mehr News Agency
I really wish they wouldn't roll their tanks over the American flag.
Good point Mark. If one is resolute in one’s belief to stand up for one’s rights and independence, there is no need for such sloganism. Not after 30+ years.
got some more pictures from ISNA
Mark Pyruz
"I really wish they wouldn't roll their tanks over the American flag."
That's all they can do ! Roll their antiquated T55 and T72 tanks over the American flag it gives the regime a big kick !
As long as these baboons are in power they will use the very same tanks going over the American flag for the next fifty years !
Nothing but cheap propaganda that is costing the Iranian people their future among the civilized nations.
"That's all they can do ! Roll their antiquated T55 and T72 tanks over the American flag it gives the regime a big kick !
As long as these baboons are in power they will use the very same tanks going over the American flag for the next fifty years !
Nothing but cheap propaganda that is costing the Iranian people their future among the civilized nations."
Could you please be a bit civil and get to the point instead of resorting to profanity and insult??
Normally, dimwit people resort to insults when they have nothing sensible to say..Grow up!
"Nothing but cheap propaganda that is costing the Iranian people their future among the civilized nations."
being among the civilised nations who backed
countries like mubraks egypt n gaddafis libyia or having independence
i think the flag is one of the old ones that has been in the parade ground
@ Mark
How else do u respond to mounting occupying forces on all boarders, the ever increasing crippling sanctions, threat of military strike, and denial of Nuclear Technology*?"
What you are suggesting by your comment Sir, is a certain euphoric nobility that in reality, is nothing more than accepting defeat in the face of a more powerful aggressor.
I would have to disagree with you on this one Mark. Usually you are spot on...just not this one.
Anon 8:24:
I'm for peace between the two countries.
Mark Pyruz
As long as this fanatical theocracy remains in power there will never be peace.
First of all the regimes number one enemy is the Iranian people then Israel and America come second and third.
This pirate regime will not be satisfied until they strip the countries resources destroy Iranian dignity and rape the nation from top to bottom.
Anon 6:09 PM
So by me saying that the regime is acting like a total prat is not being civil ??!
This coming from a person who idolizes a regime that act like barbarians towards the Iranian nation and you come and say that I am resorting to profanity !
Use your eyes and ears and learn what's really going on in Iran instead of living in fantasy unless of course you have an agenda. So don't live in denial for the rest of your life because you need to seriously grow up buddy !
On the three occasions when users of T-72s have met Western armies that possessed modern main battle tanks —Lebanon in 1982 (against the Israeli Merkava and the US made M60), Iraq in 1991 (against the U.S. M1 Abrams, M60A1s and the British Challenger 1), and again Iraq in 2003— the T-72 showed little to no success.
Better success against unarmed street protestors is likely, though, and the Iranian regime can give thanks to God and the Soviets for that.
Don't make me laugh !
The only Independence and Freedom is enjoyed by the blood thirsty mullahs and Iran is their hostage !
It's funny how the regime apologists always say how Iran is free and independent while they live in the West and enjoy it's democracy and liberal life style.
These dimwit servants of the Akhoonds who do their bidding abroad are either the Akhoonds family members free loading Iran's wealth or agents of the Akhoonds pretending they are independent free thinkers but in fact they are dimwitted fanatical traitors towards Iran and it's people.
The T72 is a deathtrap and is a very uncomfortable tank to operate.
As rightly claimed by Anon 12:30 AM the T72 is a very poor tank against the Abrams or any other Western tanks.
But fortunately for these tank crews the stupid fascist theocracy wont be around to use them as canon fodder.
Mark 6:27 AM. Why? It's just a flag. Not a living being. Get over it.
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