Saturday, September 1, 2007

IRGC Commander Sacked. Why?

Gen. Safavi (left) and Gen. Jafari
The outgoing and the new commander of IRGC
(Press TV Photo)

The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenie today removed Maj. Gen. Yahya Safavi from his powerful post as the Commander of Islamic Revolution Guards Corp. (IRGC). Reports circulating in Tehran point to a security breakdown at IRGC as the main reason for the command change. A laptop computer with highest compartmental security clrearance access requirement had apparently been stolen in Iran recently containing sensitive information on Iran’s Green Salt Project.

The US intelligence officials have provided the IAEA the evidence that Green Salt involves uranium processing, presumably the production of uranium metal which is the core of atomic bombs, as well as the production of high explosives and missile warheads which together would make up the structure of an advanced nuclear weapon program.

The new IRGC commander is Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Aziz Jafari. Gen. Jafari was most recently the director of IRGC’s Center for Strategic Studies. Previously he commanded IRGC ground forces.

Gen. Safavi, the outgoing IRGC commander, was named in the UN Security Council resolution 1737, passed in December 2006, requiring member nations to freeze his assets for his involvement in Iran’s nuclear and missile programs.


Anonymous said...

You are not just going onto my list of informed sources sir, you are going straight to the top of that list!!! This is incredible information! Imformation that I might add is not yet available anywhere else on the internet. Not the news nets, not the FBI's infraguard network, not even the military has posted any information regarding the situation you discuss here.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what else to say except to say that "you sir have some incredible sources". There is no mention of the information you have shared here on any of the news nets, U.S. government websites or even the FBI's Infraguard, except where some news sources have discussed Iran's adamant denial of any "green salt" program. This suggests the possibility of a much more extensive covert espionage program intact and effectively operating within Iran's most secret military organizations. Either that or the worst possible luck imaginable is at work against the Iranian government. You are officially at the very top of my list of informed sources. Not another day will go by without me checking in to see what is new on your blog.

Anonymous said...

The information on the laptop in question could help to corroborate or dispute the findings from the laptop obtained by the CIA in 2004.