Saturday, April 25, 2009

PJAK Attacks inside Iran

Reports from Ravansar, near the city of Kermanshah, indicate that PJAK forces attacked the city’s police barracks on Friday 24 April. An undisclosed number of NAJA (Islamic Republic Police Force) personnel were killed during the attack. Earlier in the day, in another attack by PJAK on police barracks near the city of Sanadaj , a NAJA officer was killed and four more were injured [Tabnak, 25 April.]

PJAK, closely linked to Turkey’s PKK, is an Iranian Kurdish militant group that has in the past staged a number of terrorist attacks on NAJA and IRGC forces in border areas near Iraq. Last night’s attack on NAJA near Kermanshah, Iran’s major western city, represents PJAK’s increasingly bold new tactics.

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