
Friday, August 30, 2013

Iran Faces Difficulties Accessing Oil Revenues - Report

The Associated Press reports today that nearly half of Iran's monthly earnings from crude oil exports are accumulating in accounts overseas because of sanctions that restrict Tehran's access to the money.
A senior U.S. official has told AP that the U.S. estimates that about $1.5 billion in crude oil revenues is piling up in restricted foreign accounts every month. Crude revenues overall averaged about $3.4 billion monthly in the first half of year. That means Iran is not able to either spend or repatriate about 44 percent of its crude oil income. (AP, 30 August)
Last February, the U.S. put into effect some of the harshest sanctions against Iran aimed at cutting off access to oil revenues. The sanctions require oil importers to pay into locked bank accounts that Iran may access only to purchase non-sanctioned goods in that country. If importers do not comply, they face the threat of being shut out of the U.S. financial system.

File photo: Iran’s oil export terminal at Kharq Island in the Persian Gulf. (Getty Images)


  1. Good job obama. Iran is the most evil Country on earth from its dishonest culture to all of the trouble it starts. You can crush it easily and you should.

  2. An act of Terrorism on Iran

    1. The "Terrorism" comes from the self inflicted mafia regime in Tehran.

    2. not buying from Iran is not terrorism, silly person.

      no one is obligated to deal with the vile Iranian regime and it ain't a crime to shun the slimy SOBs.

  3. The notion that America cannot do a damn thing (Heich khalati nemi toone bekone) seems suddenly so hollow and ineffectual. America can and will harm us – the powers to be need to learn to act intelligently and pragmatically.

    1. America cannot do a damn thing to stop irans nuclear program or the growth of iranian power in the region,and the sanctions have also cost the west as well,the europeans in particular have paid a high price economically for following us dictates,its hardly a one sided battle and I`ve little doubt that iran will learn to adapt,to find ways around and to retaliate,in short all the things one does in a cold war

    2. Zionist final push to change the regional geo-strategic balance

      One thing, however, has not changed is the Zionist ultimate goal. The nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran remains the paramount strategic concern preoccupying policymakers in Jerusalem. Zionist officials are united in their assessment that, despite the widening economic sanctions that have been levied to date against the Iranian regime by the United States and Europe, Iran’s nuclear development continues to both accelerate and mature. As a result, they say, Zionists will accelerate their pressure on US to mount a military attack on Iran. Israel is likely to enter a zone of decision in late 2013 or early 2014 regarding next steps vis-à-vis the Islamic Republic—including, potentially, the use of US force to neutralize its nuclear program.

    3. To the anons above:

      No country is an island unto itself. America may not be able to stop Iran’s nuclear program, but it can and have already succeeded in isolating the country from the international financial system and access to the first world technological resources – essential for its growth and prosperity.

    4. readerAugust 31, 2013 at 4:03 PM
      Had this been twenty five years ago I might have agreed with you,but increasingly there are alternatives to the "first world technological resources" and iran can,and has,also become increasingly self sufficient,perhaps not in everything but in a lot of areas,the idea that without the west iran is unable to achieve growth and prosperity is absurd,just as absurd as the idea that the west can isolate an energy superpower like iran from the rest of the world,true it has hurt iran but only by paying a high cost itself

  4. Members of the Rouhani's government have stated that the government prepared 100 days' action plan, and so far noone on this blog attempted to bring any details of that plan, including the datas of its commencement and an end...

    Minister Tayyebnia has stated that proposals regarding a future of the previous subsidy payments will be sent to the Majlis and that the government will give priority to investments, which will bring profits in the shortest possible times...



  5. The US/Zionist and Saudi war against Syria is a side-show the real war is against Iran and it is only a matter of time before Iran is hit, regardless if there is reformist government in Tehran or not. If President Assad falls, then Iran will be hit within months, this was the Zionist blue-print of Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz as described "real men go to Tehran".

    Iran needs to fight its survival battle in the hills of Damascus that on the soil of Iran.
