
Monday, March 18, 2013

Statement by President Obama on Nowruz (Video & Text)

The White House Press Office today released the video (with Persian subtitles) and the text of President Obama’s message on the occasion of the Iranian New Year, Nowruz, which begins on 20 March (0702 EST). Please click on the video above or read the text of the president’s message below.

“Dorood.  As you and your families come together to celebrate Nowruz, I want to extend my best wishes on this new spring and new year. Around the world, and here in the United States, you are gathering at the Nowruz table—to give thanks for loved ones, reflect on your blessings and welcome all the possibilities of a new season.

As I have every year as President, I want to take this opportunity to speak directly to the people and leaders of Iran.  Since taking office, I have offered the Iranian government an opportunity—if it meets its international obligations, then there could be a new relationship between our two countries, and Iran could begin to return to its rightful place among the community of nations.

I have had no illusions about the difficulty of overcoming decades of mistrust.  It will take a serious and sustained effort to resolve the many differences between Iran and the United States. This includes the world’s serious and growing concerns about Iran’s nuclear program, which threatens peace and security in the region and beyond. Iran’s leaders say that their nuclear program is for medical research and electricity. To date, however, they have been unable to convince the international community that their nuclear activities are solely for peaceful purposes.  That’s why the world is united in its resolve to address this issue and why Iran is now so isolated.  The people of Iran have paid a high and unnecessary price because of your leaders’ unwillingness to address this issue.

As I’ve said all along, the United States prefers to resolve this matter peacefully, diplomatically.  Indeed, if—as Iran’s leaders say—their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, then there is a basis for a practical solution.  It’s a solution that would give Iran access to peaceful nuclear energy while resolving once and for all the serious questions that the world has about the true nature of the Iranian nuclear program.

The United States, alongside the rest of the international community, is ready to reach such a solution.  Now is the time for the Iranian government to take immediate and meaningful steps to reduce tensions and work toward an enduring, long-term settlement of the nuclear issue.

Finding a solution will be no easy task. But if we can, the Iranian people will begin to see the benefits of greater trade and ties with other nations, including the United States.  Whereas if the Iranian government continues down its current path, it will only further isolate Iran. This is the choice now before Iran’s leaders. I hope they choose a better path—for the sake of the Iranian people and for the sake of the world.  Because there’s no good reason for Iranians to be denied the opportunities enjoyed by people in other countries, just as Iranians deserve the same freedoms and rights as people everywhere.

Iran’s isolation isn’t good for the world either.  Just as your forbearers enriched the arts and sciences throughout history, all nations would benefit from the talents and creativity of the Iranian people, especially your young people.  Every day that you are cut off from us is a day we’re not working together, building together, innovating together—and building a future of peace and prosperity that is at the heart of this holiday.

As you gather with family and friends this Nowruz, many of you will turn to the poet Hafez who wrote: “Plant the tree of friendship that bears the fruit of fulfillment; uproot the sapling of enmity that bears endless suffering.”

As a new spring begins, I remain hopeful that our two countries can move beyond tension.  And I will continue to work toward a new day between our nations that bears the fruit of friendship and peace.

Thank you, and Eid-eh Shoma  Mobarak.” 


  1. Notice they changed 'salam' into 'dorood', but still go with 'eid e shoma mobarak' in stead of 'noruzetan piruz', I wonder which clowns have written this statement for him.

    Gullible and timid Iranians will be impressed and fooled by this, but I cannot forget that it was the United states that sold us out to the British in 53, covertly funded and armed Iraq to attack us and intentionally shot down an civilian airliner. The United States aren't a hair better than the Mullahs.

    1. I agree and disagree with you. I agree that USA has done a lot of bad things to us but at the other hand all countries do bad things together. We invaded India in 17-18 century, Turks and Arabs invaded us many times. Russian and other also did nasty things to us. The same is gaining on and on. So I think people should move on and without forgetting the history should start over.

    2. Are you one of the authors, who say that Iran have to come to terms with the US..

    3. Anon 1:23 AM.....Even Japan came to terms with the United States after receiving two nuclear bombs from them.Vietnam came to terms with the United States after using agent orange and napalm on them.
      Are you saying that Iran should hold a permanent grudge against the US because of some alleged coup against the Shahs prime minister which he had chosen and was ratified in parliament ?

    4. The US is on decline and Iran should not pay expenses related to that decline.
      The Japan had no choice at that time, like Iran, that has many choices.
      Vietnam is now afraid of China, so it is trying to buy a time from the US for now, in hopes that the world will "somehow" change and it may not face treats from China.

      Your alleged coup was a reality and the shahs lost a moral and (legal) credibility, because they cooperated with foreign agents.
      Referendum ordered by the prime minister, in a face of shah's obstructions, gave the rights to the prime minister...


  2. Return to the "community of nations"? The Islamic Republic of Iran currently chairs the 120 nation Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). But they're just second-class peon nations, right?

    Now a good time to settle the nuclear dispute? It could have been settled in 2003 had the US signed on to the EU effort. More recently, it could have been settled in 2010 had Obama not backtracked against the Turkish/Brazilian effort, with Obama unwilling or unable to accept an Iranian "yes" as an answer, an answer that took him by surprise.

    Flynt Leverett, who has travelled to Iran a number of times recently, and who speaks with Iranian elites during these visits states with confidence that the dispute could be settled within a short number of weeks if the U.S. accepted Iran's right to the nuclear fuel cycle, which is it's right under the NPT. We could even get the Iranians to accept the Additional Protocol in the process. But unlike the Iranians who are in full control of their foreign policy, we Americans are not in full control or ours, with a foreign lobby group/interest holding our Middle East policy captive with their near complete investment of Congress. If anyone needed any proof of such, the Hagel confirmation hearing offers overwhelming evidence.

    1. no, Iran isn't second-class, but with luck, hard work, and a sane and civilized government, there's little reason why Iran can't achieve second-tier status.

    2. No,Iran under the rule of the illustrious mullahs has become a third class nation.

    3. Mark is right. I was horrified by the Hagel hearing. Poor man was pounded into submission and made sure to remain the subservient of the Israeli government and serve their interests. Was he supposed to become the Defense Secretary of Israel or the USA?

  3. From a Friend's facebook:
    Dear president Obama :
    - Stop wishing us happy new year as well as the sanctions against the our people
    - Please find new phrases/sentences in your annual message to the Iranians, we feel like a fool listening to a tape!
    - Stop encouraging us to change the situation, you perfectly know that we can’t fight the regime’s guns with our bare hands
    - Stop talking about nuclear power/weapon/etc. We’re not involved in it, nor have a power to change anything about it.
    - We wish you happy Norooz and wonderful new year too
    warm regards
    bunch of Iraninan whom you sent this F*ing friendly message

    1. More messages like yours and I hope Mark will last in his determinations.

      Where is the "MD"? Is he busy with "new" assignments ??


    2. You know what A-F stands for :o)

  4. Let’s hope the New Year brings new opportunities to resolve the disputes between Iran and the U.S. We cannot, and should not, live in history. We need to take advantage of opportunities as they are presented to us. Iranians cannot find a foreign policy team in Washington more suited, capable and willing to strike a deal than Obama-Kerry-Hagel team. Both sides need to go for a win-win solution, which means both sides need to be ready and willing to compromise on basic issues at hand. What happened in 1953 coup or during the hostage crisis or during previous administrations are good subjects for historians to write volumes. But for those who believe the relations between these two great countries should start becoming normal: if they are in power they should work for a serious compromise, and if they are responsible citizens they should hope that the comprise is reached; beginning with preliminary agreements at Almaty II in April.

    1. Uskowi, at 11:36PM, should remember that he was worried, not long time ago, that the "Israeli" - US relation went to the lowest point in history, and today he has been announcing that "Iranians cannot find a foreign policy team in Washington more suited...".

      Is this another "flip-flop" ??


    2. If Iran wanted to make a deal, there is no better foreign policy team in Washington to deal with than Obama-Kerry-Hagel. I hope, and I believe, that the Iranian leadership understand that and are moving toward a settlement to the disputes. Great for both.

  5. I think it is wonderful that we have this American man to protect us from our own leaders without doing massive violence to us. How long can Mr Obama keep Israel & his own country from attacking us. Crazy people and nuclear arms do not mix and the free world knows this, I'm afraid that soon the west will have to strike first in order to prvent a future nuclear war. Now I know why Cyrus let the Jews go back home to Jerusalem.


  6. Why does uskowi post links or cuts Supreme leader's speach and on the other hand he has posted almost full Obama's speech.

    1. USKOWI is a biased reporter !! let us all pray for him!THERE IS HOPE ! i believe!.

    2. Because your dear "supreme" leader is a jackass.
