
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Newly constructed Azadegan Expressway section, Tehran (1)

New pics of the newly constructed Azadegan Expressway section in Tehran, Iran.

Left: High visibility 30 KPH pavement markings
Right: High visibility yellow caution deceleration pavement markings

Left: High visibility green guardrails 
Right: Pedestrian overpass catwalk

Above: Four lane expressway in both directions

Left: Guardrail detail
Right: Expressway detail viewed from below

Above: High visibility shoulder markings

Photos: Rasool Safizade at MFO.IR


  1. They seem to like to use the word Azadi a lot.
    But for 34 years Azadi has only been created
    for mullahs and their cohorts to steal,rape,
    torture and kill in the name of their Allah.

    1. Yeah sure,the mullahs bollocks is where we should aim at :o)

    2. Even more bollocks! B-]

    3. Couldn't disagree! The mullahs need to be kicked even harder :o)

  2. Is this an advanced stealth expressway?

    1. Yes,it is an stealth expressway leading to the hidden imam.

    2. ANON-4:51 PM!-...leading to the Hidden IMAM!

      -YOU must be a lonely man,you must be a very desperate mortal struggling to find your position among fellow human beings!seemingly frustrated seeing men in their millions following a faith or an Ideology!Had you anything to do with personal integrity and reflections, especially coming to TERMS with the inevitable reality that shall befall you!!- IN THAT great separation of the spirit from your body ! and NO DOCTOR will save you [your last moment on this world],-THEN YOU WOULD BEGIN TO respect people with their ideologies however funny they seem!.

      -Am sure these reflections WOULD BE YOUR FIRST STEP to being a wise man in your life!!.

    3. B.M.A...You know nothing about the creator or the human soul.
      Because if you did you wouldn't support a disgusting anti human
      regime that is soaked in blood of tens of thousands.
      And that's right Islam is an ideology of hate,bigotry and
      Don't worry about me as regards my relations to the creator
      because people like yourself are the misguided ones.
      So get off that high horse and stop being a presumptuous

    4. NOW i have just climb down from the high horse you said such that i wish we reason together!
      hoping that you are one that isn't controlled by some uncontrolled emotions and that you are an anti-religious extremist of sorts,now let us leave our hearts alone and give the brains some work to do-

      -@-ARE you sincere that IRAN'S problems are inspired by the hidden IMAM,i mean just where on earth does the IMAM get to be involved in an issue concerning highways flyovers and expressways? as you 'wisely' said at 4:51pm.

      -@-i hope and guess that the puppose of this blog was to TALK to the IRANIAN people and articulate some exchange of democratic ideas with them!.having said this, i believe you have a noble duty to convince all and sundry the there is some better life in a DEMOCRATIC Iran!.Now this effort of convincing ,satisfying someone needs some degree of wisdom and some cool headed aproach!.NOW do you think a mindless fanatic like you can win anyone?-SURELY NO on the contrary it is people like you who make hardlinners out of modeates,extremists out of tolerants ,.

      -@-Attacking spiritual figures, mocking civilizations, is a sign of a primitive and backwardness!!only an uneducated savage denied some important drills by his parents[indeed you can be learned but still be uneducated] can embark on that business!but your constant abuse on religions and religious figures only confirms a sad reality [our fear]that ,may be- there is nothing between your ears!.

      -@- YOU ARE A LIABILITY TO your movement ,your childish and silly attack on someone less concerned here is enough to have millions of admirers who may agree to the democracy crusade advocated here to flee and run away !!.

    5. The hidden imam is a fabrication by the mullahs to extract cash from gullible and naive people like you.
      Talking of primitive savages then what do you call legalizing girls of nine years old to be married off to Hezbollah gorillas or hanging people in the middle of the street with mobile cranes?
      I presume you think that by raping,torturing and executing innocent people in rotten Islamic turds dungeons is a holy duty ?
      You are a very sad misguided excuse of a human being which is wasting the remaining clean oxygen on this planet.

  3. Wow. Iran built a road. Why is this news?

    1. It would be news in any country

  4. Thanks for these wonderful pictures. Well done, Mark.
