
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Iran Sends Complaint Letter to UN over US Allegation

The Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaei today sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voicing "outrage" over the US allegations of the Islamic Republic's involvement in a plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington.

Khazaei said in the letter that the allegation was politically-motivated and “warmongering” by the United States [IRNA, 12 October].


  1. here's a short clip of Mohammad Khazaei expressing his outrage and shock

    that anyone would accuse Iran of plotting to have people killed.

    Salman Rushdie refused comment

  2. Is there really anyone out there who believes this ?

  3. Hold on a minute according to them isn't the UN Zionist and a USREALI entity.

  4. Even if Anonym 12:43 AM did not mean to give the link to the Youtube piece of a short segment of the memorable movie Casablanca,[see it again at " ], the words of the officers that goes like this :" ...I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here....", when he is handed his winning in the gambling house, is very relevant here. If half of what has been reported turns out to be true, then these guys sound very much like that officer !

  5. These days no one would listen to what Mr. Khazaie or others like him have to say. From what I read in the full text of case as prepared and signed by an FBI agent, I can see some questionable holes and gaps but, frankly, no one has the appetite to defend the Iranian side any longer. Even if the whole case is made up, the Iranian foolish words and deeds are evidence enough for the world to condemn them.
    Having said that, if you watch the set of pundits who now have found another hot topic to stick to until next major events happens, you find that there is not a single comment about some other possible scenarios. For example, this Mansour guy, who starts cooperating with FBI from the moment he was arrested by placing calls to his counterparts in Tehran and tries to make the hole deeper by hammering on the money transfer issues and other matters, could be one of those estranged guys who for whatever reasons tries to get his revenge from his counterparts. Perhaps in another deal he did not get his "fair share !" Another alternative that should come to mind is that this guy could have been easily hand-picked by either the Saudis or others who could benefit from the case. Whatever it turns out to be, the propaganda machines have started spinning and who knows where all these will take us. May god save our people and our country from both the mollas and their sworn enemies !

  6. Anon October 12, 2011 3:01 PM

    I meant it.
