
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ahmadinejad Rejects Majlis Call to End Boycott

Uskowi on Iran has learned that President Ahmadinejad has rejected the call by 260 members of the Iranian Majlis to end his boycott. Ahmadinejad has not attended any of his cabinet meetings since Ayatollah Khamenei overruled his decision to fire the intelligence minister. We reported on Wednesday that Ahmadinejad has set three conditions for his return to presidency, and he will not be back to his office until all those conditions are met.


  1. This isn't a very credible post, even though it might turn out to be true. What do you base this on other than your apparent claims of omnipotence?

  2. In our family's corrupted Americanized rendering of a somewhat vulgar Persian expression, Ahmadinejad appears to have his "coon" on the "tashay."

  3. Mark,
    That's the best expression describing the poor man's situation! lol

  4. Anonymous,
    It's very interesting indeed that someone signing in as "anonymous" is concerned with the identity of the source!

  5. can you imagine Britain parliament going against the queens wishes. remember Australia when she fired the prime minister! So there is democracy in Iran after all!

  6. By all respect,
    I would play such a game in order to find a leak.

    I think now they have him. Either they arrest him or feed him with big fat disinformations in the future.

  7. Mahmud Gahr kard ?

    how can i understand this ?
    That should not be tute.
    the president is not a little boy who reject to talk to the parent if feel himself offended.

  8. my hunch is this. The supreme leader has made statements that the Arab uprising is Islamic (which BTW was never intended) and have opened direct channels with the Muslim Brotherhood, this MB is an organisation riddled with CIA/MI5/Mossad assets after all many of their leaders are western based for a sake of Islamic laws. Ahmadinejad supports Bashir in Syria and so against the MB who oppose him. The Intelligence Minister is the link between the supreme leader and MB and by-passing Ahmadinejad. Sounds far fetched well ask Ahmadinejad!

  9. Wow, you have shown yourself to be a man of little integrity and credibility.

  10. @ Mark Pyruz,
    with the same curtesy you mentioned his situation, allow me to borrow your vocabulary and express , "hame ro gozaSHT SARE KAR"
