
Monday, February 9, 2015

IRIAF commander of Isfahan/Shahid Baba'ie TAB-8

On 07FEB15 Fars News interviewed IRIAF Brig. Gen. 2C Massoud Rouzkhosh, commander of Isfahan/Shahid Baba'ie TAB-8.

During the interview, Rouzkhosh referred to the successful fitting and firing of an indigenously manufactured missile type on an overhauled IRIAF Chengdu F-7 Airguard (possibly attached to 85th TFS). He further stated: "When we bought the F7 fighters, they suffered operational and tactical weaknesses and now our experts have removed these weaknesses by the help of their experiences in [overhauling] other fighters."

Rouzkhosh's flight suit patches offer interesting details. On his right is seen a round patch bearing a tiger with the inscriptions "AGGRESSOR" and "TIGER II F-5," suggestive of a past or present Dissimilar Air Combat Training (DACT) instructor. On his upper right sleeve is seen a triangular patch bearing the likeness of a Northrop F-5.


  1. inauguration
    the newe Iranian Saeghe fighterjet with 2 Pilot

  2. Wow,so they paint a bannana green and then call it a cucumber. It's so typical of IRI :o)
