
Friday, August 15, 2014

Why Is Iran Detaining Jason Rezaian?

Laura Secor on Persistence of Iran's Security State
Laura Secor, a contributor at New Yorker, today has published a piece on Jason Rezaian, the Washington Post correspondent in Tehran, who was detained by Iranian security forces on 22 July, along with two other journalists, one of them his wife, and has not been heard of since. To read the article, please click here.

File photo: Jason Rezaian (Zoeann Murphy/Getty Images/The Washington Post)


  1. Secor adds nothing of substance to the matter. She points out a "conspiracy" attitude of the Iranians, and then posits herself a conspiracy theory for the reason behind Jason's detention.

    Here's hoping the matter is cleared up and Jason is soon released to be reunited with his family here in the North Bay.

    1. no end to the excuses for the mistreatment and lies and persecution, eh?

      let's try to call it conspiracy theorizing, eh.

      Zahra Kazemi ????
