
Saturday, June 14, 2014

ISIL Summarily Executes 1,700 Shia Soldiers - Photos

ISIL terrorists have released photos of what they say were summarily execution of 1,700 Shia soldiers of the Iraqi Army and members of AAH Shia militia in Salah al-Deen province during the first days of conflict. ISIL says it has pardoned Sunni soldiers.

Photos: Twitter/@zaidbejamin


  1. Worse than animals and where is the international community? No condemnation, this is a clear war crime. Despite these pictures Iran should not rush into any action without coordination with US. I think taking out this ISIL requires massive air support which only US/NATO can provide.

    1. --- Ex-USAF fighter pilot John McCain calls for airstrike in Iraq.

  2. The approach needed require more of urban counterinsurgency with drone in the air which Iran can supply for intelligence gathering and monitoring of the ISIS troops movements. We should not blow this out if proportion, in spite of ISIS achievement so far the group is still more motivated by its barbarism and bigotry than professionalism. In our haste to send these barbaric people to hell where they truly belong we must be mindful of the civilians on the ground as calling for a air bombardment could lead to massive civilian casuality. And I believe the Iraqis have been more than traumatised enough for a lifetime.

  3. NO comment !.!!

    AND Uskowi ,because you got it wrong in SYRIA ,WE hope this time around you would notice the wisdom of Hezbollah involvement there.

    @where in the holy BOOK and hadeeth do they base their justification on this madness ?.-HOW do listen to IBN Thaymiyya and openly rebel the holy teachings of the Prophet !!.[Ibn Taymiya is considered by many as the Father of Salafism,who justified in his rulings the killing of Shia Muslims ]

    MAY THE Almighty bring peace in the house of ISLAM,MAY Peace live in the house of Islam.

    1. B.M.A.,

      Even on this sad occasion, and with praying for peace in the house of Islam, you attack me for my position on Syrian conflict. You know why? Because I supported moderate opposition vice 40 years of dictatorship by Assad family. But unfortunately you saw the aspirations of the Syrian people through sectarian prism and ended up preferring Alawite dictatorship over a moderate government because it would have been dominated by Sunnis.

      It is this kind of thinking that needs to be changed if peace is to be restored in the house of Islam. Agreeing to unite against ISIL and Al-Qaeda and other extremists is necessary, but not enough. We need to agree not to base our opinions about governments and political organization solely based on their sects. The horrendous photos above should convince us of that.

    2. You have to look at Syria and Iraq from Iran (long term) interest window not democracy. We should not care about democracy in these countries but we should care about our influence and try to keep it as much as possible. This is what is doing for 100s of years now we have the means to do the same

  4. --- IQAF Mi-28 attack helicopter in action.
