
Friday, May 30, 2014

IRGC deputy commander cites military success in Syria, in reference to election

Above: Brig. Gen. Salami speaking at an event earlier this week

According to Mehr News Agency (28MAY14):
Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami told Mehr News that Syrian government lead on battlefields had made possible holding presidential elections and would indicate that terrorists were in decline in terms of sweep.
Asked for his evaluation of Syrian developments, Salami said that the Syrian government was able to loom large in battlefields and the balance of power is heavy for the Syrian government’s side.
“This victory in battle fields was the reason of launching the elections in Syria and in a political process which shows the terrorists and their supporters in decline of power and hopefully the decline would continue,” said Salami.
IRGC Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Salami's comments offer an indirect form of Iranian corroboration for data studied by NATO, which last year reported figures of up to 70 percent support for the Syrian government. This level of support can only have been strengthened by recent successes on the battlefield.

Expat voting in foreign locations indicate the potential for a relatively high turnout when voting subsequently takes place in government-held territory within Syria. In ways, this may somewhat mirror the American presidential election of 1864, which was also conducted during a civil war. In this historical example, polling centers were likewise provided in government supported territory, and where also government success on the battlefield translated into electoral success for the incumbent president, Abraham Lincoln.

Above: Syrians voting for president at the Syrian embassy in Tehran 

Photos: Tasnim News Agency


  1. I love elections, Baathist style. This would be analogous to Lincoln's election if Lincoln and his father had been the rulers of the US for 44 years (that's a lot of elections Assad Senior and Junior have been winning). Though, I do hope this inane Lincoln analogy holds true in one respect....By any chance, are Assad Junior and his wife theatergoers?

    1. brilliant response to the fatuousness of the brainless comparison offered

  2. Is it legal to propagandize for terrorists in this manner?

  3. American tradition celebrates the election of 1864 as "the first presidential election in history conducted in the midst of a civil war".

    1. This is not the first time Assad, or his father, will gain absolute majorities in their tightly managed elections. They have ruled more than 40 years now, representing a Baathist tradition of strongman tugs, that has also included elections. Any comparison of that situation to Lincoln's America, which I am sure was unintended, is still unfortunate.

    2. Contrary to the nonsense in western and Zionist media, Assad is the best bet for Syria.

    3. 100% agreed. Look at the mess that these "freedom lovers" have created in Libya.
      There is no limit to the Western double standard.

    4. Anon 11:09 AM and 9:28 PM who agrees with you 100%: Do you have anything to say about the subject of discussion here: Syrian civil war and the upcoming election? If your comments were not about "Zionist media," did you have anything else to contribute?

  4. American tradition also holds that the opposition candidates don't have to be approved by the Baath Party before going on the ballot

    1. I posted this, but it was not published. I hope Mr Uskowi doesn't think that it breaches his blogg's guidelines. So again:

      American tradition also holds that the Jewish lobby and big Corporates have to approve the respective Democratic and Republican presidential candidates before they can even enter the race.
      For reference read "The Israel lobby" by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

    2. You comments does not contribute to the discussion here. If you are interested in commenting on the Israeli lobby as it pertains to Democratic and Republican parties and U.S. politics, there are so many good blogs focusing on that and similar issues. You should contribute to those blogs. You are however welcome to contribute to our discussions on and related to Iran on this blog.

    3. Thank you, however I don't see you leaving the same comment about Annon. May 30 2014 9:51 AM post.
      My response was in relation to him comparing the Syrian election to the American election process, hence its validity to be published.
      Thank you for allowing it.

  5. Sepah is completely defeated in Syria almost 50% of Syria is under occupation of salafi forces 3 4 million refugees and Israel is stronger than ever if this is victory I would like to know what defeat is like. The so called election is beside the point

  6. AnonymousMay 31, 2014 at 3:26 AM
    In case you havent noticed government forces have had a virtual string of victories over the past 6 months and have inflicted some serious defeats on the salafists,who seem to spend an increasing amount of time fighting each other.When one looks at how the governments position has improved over the past year its apparent that the tide has turned against the salafists who are increasingly on the defensive and the government forces are on the offensive retaking population centers left and right.If you want to know what defeat would look like,then you only need look at libya or somalia or afghanistan under the taliban,that is what the destruction of the government would mean for syria
