
Friday, February 7, 2014

Kavoshgar-e Pazhuhesh space rocket info video

Iranian Space Agency (ISA) and Astronautics Research Institute (ARI) info video on Iran's recently launched Kavoshgar-e Pazhuhesh space rocket. Video includes animation, telemetry and background details for the Kavoshgar-e Pazhuhesh space rocket program.

H/T and special thanks to "JF" at IMF.


  1. Iran continues to instruct and amaze. This exemplifies what can be achieved through self-belief, faith, and determination. My great country Nigeria will do well to take note, and pursue greater engagement, and co-operation at all levels with the great Iranian nation.

  2. I hate majority of Mark's post specially the shopping mall and building one but this one was amazing.

    1. When the foreign investors make a foothold in the country,AND MEET THESE malls [and other industrial zones which MARK may wish to bring here]waiting for potential investors , that is the time you will understand you deserve to have a fresh look at the establishment.

    2. Anon 7:18 AM

      Don't lie ! You didn't post the shopping mall comments. I did.

  3. An earliest possible Iranian space manned flight, is ONLY possible, under the ambitions and guidances of THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC's establishment !!!
