
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bakhtiari Protests in Iran

There have been a number of protests by Bakhtiaris recently in Isfahan and Ahvaz, among other cities, who say they have been insulted by a broadcast aired by IRIB, the state broadcasting system. They are demanding the removal of the director of IRIB. The Bakhtiari is one of the prominent tribes in Iran.

A loyal reader of this blog has shared with us the photo, seen above, and links to YouTube videos on the subject.


  1. Well done USKOWI for highlighting this very important period in Iran's history. IRIB the mouth piece of the occupying chequered cloth wearing tyranny insulted the Bakhtiari people by calling them "the invention of the British".
    Not only that,but the mouth piece of this anti-Iranian regime insulted Bakhtiari women and the Constitutionalists of 1906. This ant-Iran regime spends Iran's money to defame Iranian nation and honour. When this occupying regime insults the vanguards of Iran which is the Bakhiari people they insult all vanguards throughout our great country.
    This is much more than just the Bakhtiari people.This is thirty five years of conspiracy against the fabric of Iranian society by these corrupt Islamists who have hijack Iran and using the blood of our nation to promote their foreign agenda. The time has come to get Iran back from these home wreckers.

    1. This is a tragedy that could have been avoided. It's time for Zarghami, the IRIB chief, to take responsibility for such a gaffe and resign; that's the only honorable thing he can do. I hope he is capable of doing it.

    2. anon well done .....
      - STOP hitting the roof and attempt to make handsome political capital out of a gaffe from an individual.

    3. resign?

      why not take the Khomeini approach and call for him to be murdered and raise reward money for the murderer?

    4. @B.M.A

      That "individual" takes his orders from above. Without that order from above a glass of water can not be moved.

  2. Bakhtiari people have always been very patriotic. even during Iran-Iraq war at the beginning they were providing sporadic attacks against Iraqi troops, thus buying valuable time for Artesh and guards to get there. Insults, discrimiation and exclusion against iranian minorities must not be tolerated at any cost. they have every right to be upset by this irresponsible remark!

  3. On saturday the occupying terrorist regime in Iran will be shown who are the true owners of Iranzamin.

  4. --- IRGC Sardar Jafari: We have 200 battalions for confronting street riots!

    1. Anon 12:55 PM

      The regime would need more than 200 battalions to confront an angry nation. No army can stand in the way of seventy million people.
