
Friday, November 15, 2013

Iran unilaterally showing good faith prior to nuclear negotiations

According to Reuters:
Since Hassan Rouhani became president, Iran has stopped expanding its uranium enrichment capacity, a U.N. inspection report showed on Thursday, in a potential boost for diplomacy to end Tehran's nuclear dispute with the West.
The quarterly report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also said that since August no further major components had been added to a potential plutonium-producing reactor that worries the United States and its allies.
The marked slowdown in the growth of activities of possible use in developing nuclear bombs may be intended to back up Rouhani's warmer tone towards the West after years of worsening confrontation, and strengthen Tehran's hand in talks with world powers due to resume on November 20.
Professor Dan Joyner has a relevant post on the new IAEA DG report, see HERE. He proposes: "Is the IAEA Actually Starting to Listen and Apply Legal Standards [towards Iran] More Correctly?

Likewise Professor Cole's post on the subject. titled "Take that, France: Iran has Halted Expansion of Nuclear Facilities: IAEA," can be accessed by clicking HERE.


  1. Iran seems to be sufficiently supplicating itself to warrant a deal.

    1. you're correct.

      there are a few insufficiencies in the Iranian position

    2. This is the last chance for the west to get a deal,assuming of course they`ve given up their dreams of regime change

    3. this might be the last chance for the regime to avoid getting changed

    4. The regime needs to be changed.

    5. I agree that the regime needs to be changed. it been sitting like a soggy lumpy on the butts of the Iranian people for far, far too long.

    6. AnonymousNovember 16, 2013 at 10:33 AM
      I dont think there is any appetite in the west for yet another "regime change" war in the me especially against an opponent as strong as iran,the israelis and saudis might be willing to fight to the last us/nato soldier but neither of them are willing to take on iran directly,and both are justifiably worried about the possibility of any sort of detente/rapprochement between the us and iran,no matter how remote those chances may be.Frankly I have to laugh that there appear to be people here who seriously think that any kind of regime change in iran is any kind of serious possibility

    7. Anonymous November 16, 2013 at 3:28 PM/November 17, 2013 at 12:17 AM
      And replaced with what exactly?,a return to the dark days of the pahlavis "arab style dictatorship",a jihadi failed state/taliban caliphate,a western style 2 party/multi party system?.The fans of regime change seem to know what they dont like,but they dont seem to be so clear on what they do like

    8. Anon 2:04 AM.............. There you go again with your silly diatribes. Arab style dictatorship?
      Have you forgotten that the islamic regime of allah on earth is fully based on the beduin arab style
      of leadership from the sands of Arabia bache porooh basiji ? I make it simple for you. What we don't
      like is little cyber basiji like you and your terrorist pay masters in Tehran. And what we do like is the
      downfall of the occupying and terrorizing islamic mafia and replacing it with the government of our choice.And that means any type of sane government except for the insane one that is raping and killing Iranians today. Now run along and receive your free sandist pack.
