
Monday, November 4, 2013

Iran: Staging Anti-Charm Offensive

The conservatives and the hard right staged large anti-American demonstrations in Tehran and other Iranian cities to mark the 34th anniversary of the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran and taking 52 diplomats and staff hostage. 

Protesters outside the former embassy building in central Tehran burned American flags and effigies of President Obama and chanted “Death to America.” The demonstrations today were considerably larger and more militant than previous years, staged just three days prior to an all important meeting in Geneva between Iran and the six major powers on finding a solution to the decade-old nuclear impasse.

Note: By staging these large protests, the hard right in effect is staging an anti-charm offensive, demonstrating obstacles that have prevented the normalization of relations with the U.S. more than three decades after diplomatic ties were severed. 

Meanwhile, the conservatives and the hard right are as eager as the moderates in Iran to end harsh sanctions imposed on the country which they believe were aimed as destroying the country’s economy, and indeed has created an unparalleled economic crisis that they fear it could have serious effects on the political stability of the country as well. But they want to have the sanctions lifted as they chant “Death to America” ever louder. Too cute!

Photo credit: Anti-American demonstrations and gatherings were held in Iran to mark the 34th anniversary of the seizure of the U.S. embassy and taking 52 hostages for 444 days. (IRNA)


  1. Iranian hard-headed-ness is truly a curse, which affects nobody else but themselves.

    That country was hijacked by reactionaries in 1979 and those fanatics haven't done the population any favors.

    Feel bad for the moderates and liberal minded folks who wish to end 34 years of hatred. There are a great number of Iranians who want to reconcile their differences and re-establish friendly ties with the US and EU. Every single soul inside Iran would benefit from such a move. The radicals and their hangers-on are very selfish.

    The old saying "Reap what you sow", comes to mind. Though one must acknowledge that It's a shame that intelligent people in Iran have to suffer the consequences of sanctions.

    1. totally agreed. bunch og gada zadeh and lower clasas who live on subsidies and are fooled by those who thrive on anti everything and are opportunists exploiting these people for their own agenda! shame on us.

  2. From the very start people were fooled into believing the lies coming from the mouth of that spiteful old mullah that had the destruction of Iran in mind. There are those that say that "the revolution was hijacked" and "Iran was going to be a Holland". Such self delusions are still very strong among some die hard supporters of that movement that lead to the state of affairs in todays islamist occupied Iran. These people refuse to admit their mistakes and will continue to do so until their dying breath. Such is the stubborn nature of Iranians.

  3. Iran is the laughing stock of the world. A nation which is ruled by illiterate extremists and doesn't deserve to be connected to the civilized world at all. Let it sink in international isolation and sections.

    1. The real laughing stock of the world

  4. Interesting, Farce-news reports Netanyahu saying USA should not lift sanctions because of those anti-american slogans of today

  5. GOOD analysis USKOWI!!

    Its good on your part in showing honesty in your reporting of these rallies .The anti American demonstrations are not the work of the far right or conservatives as you say but stems from the open hypocrisy on the part of the US that effectively disappoints any reformist in IRAN.IF THESE PEOPLE WANT TO COME forward and make serious engagements then why speak of 'harsh sanctions',military threats, fancy and absurd claims of building a bomb next summer!,beside some childish bragging of strange and bizarre espionage attempts!.
    Come on Uskowi Iranians KNOW THEIR HISTORY and its hard to fool them twice.the carrot and stick game played by OBAMA is a game that makes the Empire loose its admirers in IRAN with each passing day .
    so death to this entity until it learns to wear its underpants properly!!.

    1. What an ablah that is if you understand what I am saying the man from Africa! What do you have in common with Iran? I recall when you mentioned that you were from Africa (you used to call yourself Black Man Adam) and you seem to have a hatered of anything Western. You empathy with Iran is a convenience because you feel that by agreeing to Iran's anti-western agenda, you can count yourself strong. I am afraid it is all dilusion. Don't believe me take a flight to Iran and see whether people will accept you as one of theirs. You will be suprised how isolated you will be.

    2. Agreed.Everybody outside Iran who hates the US and the West supports this anti Iranian regime.When I was in London I saw Pakistani shia mob shouting out support for day of Quds while Iranian people against the theocracy were shouted at to "go home".

    3. Indeed,it shows that a lot of iranians have no faith in the negotiations or that the us has given up on its mad dreams of regime change,also whats this mythical "charm offensive" that you and most of the western media keep writing about?,it tries to make it sound as if iran is surrendering to western demands,iran has always been willing to negotiate,it was the west who wanted surrender and so far I see no evidence that that has changed,sadly there seems to be a great deal of wishful thinking in the west that rouhani will be the one to capitulate to all of the wests demands.The biggest problem for rouhani is overcoming the considerable skepticism that exists in iran,as this protest shows,that the west is not interested in genuine good faith negotiations.Why wouldnt the conservatives want the sanctions lifted?,they just dont want the price for that to be an iranian surrender,they no doubt have memories of the last time they helped the americans in afghanistan and were labeled as part of bushs "axis of evil" so I dont see anything "cute" about that perhaps you just misspelled commonsense by mistake.Even if a deal can be done on the nuclear issue it will not be some "grand bargain" and it will not change the fact that iran and the us will remain enemies,there are just too many political differences,too much bad blood and history to be easily overcome

    4. B.M.A November 4, 2013 at 10:43 AM
      Well said

    5. anon 6:01pm

      i second you on that man calling himself b.m.a,either a shia fanatic in that black continent or an IRGC agent doing some dirty work for that mafia! or just a Trojan horse .

  6. The true facts of history that must be observed which set the basis for 34 years of animosity:

    How did the US feel about the storming of their embassy? It was a transgression of US sovereignity or worse, because according to international law, it is an unannounced act of war. It theoretically counts as a military assault on the US mainland. That shameful action really turned the stomach of many Americans and people around the world were shocked. Never before had we witnessed such a vile act. From the very start this regime announced publicly that it meant to fight the US in any way, shape or form. Khomeini and his gang made it perfectly obvious that he meant to be the lead enemy of America and that anyone who came after him should continue in his path.

    These pictures are reminiscent of a circus, just ridiculous. You don't know wether you should pity them or laugh at them. Then there are the embargoes and what not...they should have predicted the outcome of their own foolish decisions.

    Anyways...the ball is in their court...

  7. These people are nothing but cattle. Anybody can take over cattle and guide them to their slaughter.

  8. As long as these retards are in power Iran will remain retarded.

  9. They have a good thing going for themselves with all the stealing of oil wealth and other resources of the country. This is a Arab style regime that was imposed on the Iranian people through lies and deception by the west and the oil cartel via that lying old bigot of a mullah. Now Iranians are paying a very heavy price for allowing that to happen as the west wanted.

    1. Anonymous November 5, 2013 at 3:57 PM
      The only "Arab style" regime that was imposed on the Iranian people was the one run by pahlavi and imposed on iran by the us,and last time I looked most iranians seemed pretty happy to be rid of it
