
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

American public opinion supports Iran nuclear deal by 2-1 margin

According to Reuters:
Americans back a newly brokered nuclear deal with Iran by a 2-to-1 margin and are very wary of the United States resorting to military action against Tehran even if the historic diplomatic effort falls through, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Tuesday.
According to the Reuters/Ipsos survey, 44 percent of Americans support the interim deal reached between Iran and six world powers in Geneva last weekend, and 22 percent oppose it.
Good news for President Obama, and persons interested in peace.

The difficult part is coming: acceptance of uranium enrichment in Iran for purposes of fueling civil nuclear power plants.


  1. Iran will f*ck this up some how.

  2. " The difficult part is coming: acceptance of uranium enrichment in Iran for purposes of fueling civil nuclear power plants."

    considering that Iran has no more than 1 single nuclear power plant and 0 additional plant under construction (as surely you know, fanboy...or you would have posted 20 pictures of concrete being poured into a hole in the ground)
    there's little difficulty in accepting that Iran needs no further refinement of uranium for this legitimate purpose in the next 10 years.

    1. Anonymous November 27, 2013 at 2:05 PM
      Its not up to the west to decide how much enrichment capacity iran needs,as it stand at the moment iran does not yet have the capacity to fuel bushehr with its existing centrifuges,so iran needs a lot more next generation centrifuges if it is to have a genuine indigenous fueling capability,iran has also not decided what types of reactors it is going to use,all in all its still early days for nuclear iran,but they are well on their way and I wish them luck

  3. American public opinion supports Iran nuclear deal by 2-1 margin

    yes, it does.... and hopefully Iran's government will understand that if the US has evidence that Iran isn't fully complying with the deal and does not reach and comply with a further, more complete deal, American public opinion will very quickly and very fully change.

    1. American public as a whole is an immature one, and has been duped by its zionist propaganda to the point, that it is unable to distinguish what hurts them from that what could benefit them..........

    2. Anonymous November 27, 2013 at 7:05 PM
      Well said

    3. Anon 7:05
      You need to take those meds the doctor prescribed to you.

  4. Further more:
    Even if the Iran deal fails, 31% think the US should launch further diplomacy, while 49% would want to then increase sanctions. Only 20% would want US military force to be used against Iran.

    1. what does it tell you, with hope for peace at a high point in the US......that if Iran doesn't continue making concessions........ 49% want to tighten the stranglehold on Iran's economy while an additional 20% wants to bomb Iran's nuke sites..........

      more than 2/3rds of Americans are committed to forcing Iran to accept international control over Iran's nuclear sites.

    2. Anonymous November 27, 2013 at 4:56 PM
      Its not up to america,iran is the only one in control of its nuclear sites and that will remain the case,tho` iran has agreed to allow inspections by the relevant authorities like the iaea,but then they did that anyway,for the west this has been a humiliating climbdown from "zero enrichment" to acknowledging irans nuclear rights

    3. what America does control is whether the sanctions increase, remain the same or go away.

      unless Iranians want to eat crude oil and enriched uranium, they will have to consider that the world really doesn't buy into the bullspit you're tossing about.

    4. Anonymous November 28, 2013 at 5:06 PM
      America and its bootlicks are not the "world",the real world made it very clear at the non aligned conference in tehran that they supported irans nuclear rights in defiance of the us and its bootlicks "no enrichment" demands,the west can slap all the sanctions they like on iran,at considerable cost to themselves,just ask the europeans how much they`ve payed for towing the usraeli line,but in the end sanctions did nothing to limit irans nuclear program and it was the west who had to back down,sit down at the table with iran and accept irans nuclear rights,right now it really depends on western behavior whether iran becomes a nuclear armed state or stays at its current "japan option" level

  5. There is no getting away from it Mark. Thirty four years is a life time. And as you know god grants only one life time for human beings.And that includes the the life time of the islamic fascist dictatorship occupying Iran.

    1. It may seem like a lifetime to a child but, to adults, it is not even close.

      Talking of things that have a life that ends, that includes apartheid. Even in the zionist fascist occupation.


    2. Big words coming from a vexatious little twerp doesn't make one an adult,sonny boy.

      It's OK by me,because I know the islamic fascist dictatorship occupying Iran will be the first to depart to hell.

    3. AnonymousNovember 28, 2013 at 7:21 PM
      The iri has already outlasted pahlavis "arab style" dictatorship,a fact that I`m sure enrages you no end,I think that the iri will still be here long after the arab despots,the israelis and us influence in the region are all gone

    4. "Big words" indeed, coming from a child who thinks that 34 years is a "life time".

    5. Anon 8:23 PM
      "The iri has already outlasted pahlavis "arab style" dictatorship,a fact that blah blah blah........"

      Ablah,the Pahlavi's came into power in 1925 until 1979. That makes it 54 years of governance.
      The IRI bedouin terrorist regime came into power in 1979 until the present time.That makes it 34 years of terrorist occupation.Deduct the two from one another you have 20 years still remaining for the unlikely event of the islamic terrorists occupying Iran to "outlasted pahlavis".
      Now before you try being clever with me here Anon 7:21 PM/8:57 AM go and educate yourself in history sonny boy.

    6. Anon 4:18 PM......Some of these wanna be basiji trolls half come out with some tripe. I keep telling him to take his meds,but he just refuses!

    7. Anon 10:29 PM
      The boy has some sort of inferiority complex and lacks basic knowlege about the history of Iran in the 20th century. The result of poor and misleading education by islamic zealots occupying Iran.

    8. AnonymousNovember 29, 2013 at 4:18 PM
      Palavis "arab style" dictatorship began with the overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh on the 19th August 1953 and ended with his abdication and flight from the country on 16th January 1979,if you think you`re being clever by adding in his father and the post war period,then go right ahead but it still does not change the fact that reza palavis dictatorship only lasted for not even 26 years and that the iri is still going strong after 34+ years

    9. Anon 5:47 PM
      Unfortunately only in your own deluded mind that is the case. But in the real world,Pahlavi dynasty started in 1925. The honor of being a "arab style dictatorship" falls onto the islamic bedouin and barbaric cult in which a vexatious twerp such as you supports.
