
Saturday, September 21, 2013

New members of IRI nuclear negotiation team named

Seyed Abbas Araqchi and Majid Takht Ravanchi 

 According to FARS News Agency:
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to be accompanied by two of his deputies will take part in the talks with the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany), a source revealed on Saturday.
"Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal Affairs Seyed Abbas Araqchi and Deputy Foreign Minister for European and American Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi will be present in Iran's new nuclear (negotiation) team," an informed source at the Iranian foreign ministry told FNA on the condition of anonymity.
“The team of negotiators is a collection of colleagues at foreign ministry and experts of the relevant bodies who will be chosen on the basis of their commitment to the approach of the Government of Hope and Vision (as it has been labeled by President Rouhani since he started his presidential campaign) to international relations and also having an expert view about nuclear issue,” Zarif said.
The restructuring of the team of negotiators started after President Hassan Rouhani shifted the leading role in nuclear talks with the world powers from the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) to the country’s foreign ministry.
The Rouhani administration appears to be assembling an "A-Team" of nuclear negotiators. There's great pressure on this new administration to deliver a deal that maintains Iran's nuclear rights and national sovereignty, and alleviates sanctions but still somehow provides the U.S. led position with its demands of Iran not possessing dual-use  nuclear technology. On the face of it, this looks to be irreconcilable, hence the need for an "A-Team."


  1. What an idiot. Here is what will happen. These iranian liars and rug salesmen will sit down hoping to fool americans, they will get nowhere and they will either capitulate or soon be bombed just as happened with Syria.

    1. To Anon 6:30PM

      Reliable prediction... these con-men will be wheelin' and dealin' until the time comes... it will be too late by then. Remember Saddam how he dimissed all the opportunities presented to him all thru out the 90's. He changed his mind back in 2002 at the realization that the Superpowers weren't bluffing, they had reached an ultimate decision. He then started begging and pleading with the world powers...but to no avail.

    2. AnonymousSeptember 22, 2013 at 9:03 PM
      And what time will that be mr hasbarat?,last time I looked the west wasnt too eager for yet another losing war in the ME,one only has to look at how quickly they backed down over syria to see that

    3. Good point, Anon 8:12 AM. hasbarats like to daydream because that is all they can do.

  2. IRI nuclear negotiation team have new names.

    perhaps if they present new policies it will be real news rather than putting polish on a turd.

    1. AnonymousSeptember 23, 2013 at 12:12 AM
      perhaps if the west stopped demanding iranian capitulation and was willing to accept irans rights it will be real news rather than putting polish on a [western] turd.

    2. The regime itself took away those rights by barking nonsense at the West and Israel while laying turd on its own door step.

    3. Wrong hasbarat 1:47 PM, Iran's rights under the NPT remain, however much hasbarats get paid to shill.

    4. To the ostrich who likes to bury its head in the sand 4:27 PM. When it comes to being "paid", you know that you are one of them.

    5. In other words Anon 6:45 AM, you can not deny that Iran has rights according to the NPT.

    6. What ever rights the Iranian people had Anon 10:57 AM, the mullahs have taken those rights away.The nuclear issue is a red herring.

    7. False, Iran is still a member of the NPT and therefore still has rights according to it. Another failure of hasbara shilling. The bosses in the hasbara ministry will not be pleased.

    8. Anon 4:30

      You like listening to your own nonsense,don't you?
      The mullahs have taken what ever rights the Iranian people had and use the nuclear issue as a red herring.

    9. Would that be instead of listening to the nonsense that the hasbara ministry orders its shills to spread? The fact remains that Iran is still a member of the NPT and therefore still has rights according to it. That inconvenient fact really bothers zionists.
