
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Start Talks with Iran – Washington Post

The Washington editorial board today called on The U.S. government to start talks with the new government of President Hassan Rouhani. 

To read the editorial piece, please click here.

File photo: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (AFP)


  1. There used to be a Burger King commercial on TV in the 1980's: "Where'e the beef?"

    The tone of this editorial simply revolves around the same diktat of Iran surrendering its right to the nuclear fuel cycle. It even goes further claiming Iran's enrichment is for a potential nuclear bomb, nevermind that LEU is not the stuff to build such a device.

    For the WP, there's no "beef" but surrender intended in their advocacy of "serious talks." It's nothing more than an advocacy for failure.

    1. I agree there is no interest in any genuine negotiation,they seem to have this fantasy that Rouhani will be the leader who will surrender and agree to all their demands and that will solve all their problems.Until the west accepts irans right to enrich there will be nothing to talk about

  2. Washington Post and Mr. Jeff Bezos should have checked with AIPAC and now they are in big trouble. Note to self: Must check with Zionist bosses.

    1. they're not in the sort of trouble that befalls journalists in Iran, silly donkey. in Iran they shut down your newspaper and haul you off to Evin. some journalists never emerge alive from there.

      so perhaps you need to make another note to yourself to shut your mouth, open your eyes and grow up.

    2. Sorry I read Anonymous 5:22PM comments late. I am under the impression that the editor of this blog does not allow using disrespectful languages like "silly donkey" and "shut your mouth" used by Anonymous 5:22 in reply to Anonymous 5:57AM. Let's keep this blog clean and somewhat professional !


  3. Washington Post under new management concocts even worse Iranophobia with ridiculous lies:

    Readers opening their copy of the Washington Post on Sunday will have been shocked to learn of a new threat engulfing the entire Western Hemisphere from no less Iran. Intrepid reporter Joby Warrick has discovered the 'terrifying plot' of the Islamic Republic to subvert the West…. “With Lure of Religious Classes, Iran Seeks to Recruit Latin Americans” Warwick, the Washington Post's intrepid, although deluded "reporter" leaves no stone unturned in his quest for "The Truth". The article is simply hilarious and totally out of whack with the reality of the Iranian community in US.

  4. I'm not gay or anything, but Rouhani is one sexy mullah.

    1. So what? It's not a big deal if you are gay.

    2. They don't call mullahs "barrel boys" for nothing!
