
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

16 million Open Cases In Iranian Courts--The Iranian Judiciary

More Than 20% Of The Population In Legal Trouble
By: Jabbar Fazeli, MD

Mr. Ejei, the judiciary spokesman told Iranian TV that the Iranian courts have 16 million open cases. His comments focused on the backlog of cases (1). The follow up report by Ettelaat did not address why should more than 20% of the population have court cases against them. 

The 16 million number does not include the unknown number of closed cases of prosecutions of Iranians since the 2008 elections.

Mr. Ejei did not mention "political prisoners", that of course is a state secret, but the numbers speak for themselves--16 million prosecution cases in a country of 78 million(2). 

Even if Mr. Ejei is right in saying that all these cases are criminals, then 20% of Iranians are turning to crime (that number does not include those not under investigation), that should also give people pause.

It will be interesting to see how the cyber Basij will justify these numbers, aside from getting angry and attacking the messenger.



  1. Cyber Basij reporting in! Your views on Iranian matters leave much to be desired, they apply a simplified logic and show no trace of objectivity. I wish you a pleasant day! Ya Ali!

    1. Hasbara khayyal agrees with you. Shalom Yom Tov.

    2. שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם

    3. Yes cyber basij you should know that Iranians can be arrested for not wearing their headscarf "correctly".With these petty laws of the theocratic dictatorship in place Iranians have been criminalized.Ya Zoroaster!

    4. A slip up from Jabbar, letting his zionist status show!

    5. Nice one Jabbar,you show them!

  2. US is the most litigious society and it is conservatively estimated that over 40 million lawsuits are filed every year in the United States and the total number of registered lawyers exceed one million with over $300 billion in costs. This does not take into account extra-judicial murders, drone attacks and Gitmo renditions, water boarding and mass torture. So what is your point?

    Iran in comparison is an open democracy with a transparent an independent judiciary. How many Iranians has Iran murdered with drones?

    1. Anon 9:47....I've never read such blatant nonsense on these pages such as yours.What ever you're taking,stop it! Unless of course you're being paid overtime as a full time Cyber Mozdor.

    2. Anon 9:47 AM


    3. Anon 11:03
      Again no answer and nonsense attacks. Why is it nonsense? Just because you think so while you have no answer to it?

    4. Anon 4:02...Let me spell it out for you.By you saying "Iran is an open democracy with a transparent an independent judiciary" is nonsense and you bloody well know it.So don't pretend otherwise because you're only kiding yourself.

    5. First, I didn't say that. I was just observing both comments. But still you are not offering any reason countering what is said in the original comment here. If being litigious is a scale to gauge a society's freedom then IS lags behind most countries. But you just shout louder, or spell out, that there is no freedom in Iran, well that is not a convincing answer to me. I live here in Iran and I have lived for quite a while in the US and personally do not buy the myth of presence of freedom over there and lack of it here. I think in many ways people are freer in Iran, if we are to look beyond superficial manifestations of it such as wearing shorts or no scarf. I get it, that is not for a government to dictate your way of dressing, but the US government dictates so much in every personal details of life that it is almost the greatest example of a controlled society to put it in Deleuzr's words. Look at the US PATRIOT ACT or more specifically its gag order section and you realize that all ostensibly democratic countries too put regulations to control their society. That is why a comparator ice analysis is important. It is not just to say iran is fine because the US also violates privacy. It is to show that those are measures taken by governments almost without exceptions so let's not foster the myth that there is no freedom in Iran and Iran has the worst government in the world. Let us appreciate the freedom given in the frame of law and push the envelope as president Khatami used to do.

    6. Very well said

  3. Jabbar, of these cases, how many are civil and how many are criminal cases? You don't say. You also don't say how many cases pertain to a each plaintiff and to each defendant, you just lump the entire number from one source and apply it the population as a percentage.

    Sloppy reporting.

    Your intent is obvious. Okay, we get it. You resent having to have made the decision to leave Iran as a self-exile.

    1. @Mark 2:17
      Thanks Mark,
      Unlike the case in California, In our old home Iran there is no free access to government information. I think it may have something to do with the fact that the Islamic republic of Iran is a secretive dicatorship. Its kinda like Britain during WWII, I'm sure.

    2. Seriously, this sounds more like a joke in the immediate aftermath of Edward Snowden that you call iran secretive "unlike" United States.

  4. I donot know what is going wrong with uskowi
    today the second revolution in Agypt and the moslem borthers and president mursi are
    falling down. which means the moslem brother in syria will fAll too and iran is the greatest winner.

    no comes the MD fazel and posting irrelevant, uninteresting bla-bla . making bad news by force.

    1. You forgoten one thing.Didn't Khamenei say that "Islamic awakening" was in progress in Egypt? Now you claim "Iran is the winner".Winner in what? A failed foreign policy and economic suicide?

    2. yeap
      The Isalmic awakeing is not salafist isalm
      the wahabi - salafist are nit true islam, that is american isalm
      "Ayatollah khomeini"

    3. But the American Islam was Khomeini who arrived on Air France.

  5. Jabbar why are you so sympathetic to criminals? Do you have cases in your history?

    1. How can Jabbar be "sympathetic to criminals" when the criminals are the ones occupying Iran?

    2. Jabbar and this site are sympathetic to criminals. Not so long ago there was an article on this site about violent criminals in Iran, including people who violently robbed a man on a street, and later were executed. Certain people here started posting excuses for those crimes and claiming they were petty. When other commenters simply pointed out that violent crimes are not something petty, especially not for their victims, the anti-Iran people here continued to trivialise the crimes and defend the criminals who were obviously guilty. Even more people attempted to post comments making the point that violent crimes are not something petty but, someone at this site decided to block those comments.

      Will this comment even be allowed?

    3. 4:22 I see what you mean about those criminals.But to be honest don't you think the present regime in Iran consists of criminals that are far worse than any of those petty criminals that they executed? The regime has executed tens of thousands and stealing Iran's resourcers to deposit into bank accounts as well as giving billions of dollars away to Hezbollah and Assad.

    4. Just because the regime is worse, that does not mean those criminals were acceptable or "petty". I seriously doubt that if you or someone that you care about was a victim of a violent criminal, you would call them "petty". You would call them anything but.

    5. Anon 8:19 PM, what are you complaining about? According to you, criminals are just "petty" so why complain about any of them?

  6. No he is a life's dedicated loser!

  7. Thanks Mark for your hard work and persistence in showing the true colors of the ostensibly objective positions of Mr. Fazeli, which I exceedingly find hypocritical, flawed, and disappointing. This blog, and a large number of its readers, including myself, are lucky to benefit from your point of views here. Please keep up the good work.

  8. If Edward Snowden applied for asylum to Iran should it be accepted?

    1. Well it depends on whatt he offers Iran and what the cost would be. Probably the new president has enough in his plate without getting involved in this mess. In other words it is not a priority for Iran to get involved in such fringe politics

    2. Edward Snowden would not be caught in iran any sooner than Mark would be caught in iran. Iran is a toilet of a country where one fifth of the population are criminals.

    3. Anon 5:47 PM, that makes a change from a certain state in the middle east that practices all kinds of filth like sex slavery and human organ trading, where almost all of the population are criminals.

    4. 6:16...Still sounds like Iran under the mullahs to me.Iranians are selling their organs to put some bread on their tables.Also Iranian girls are being sold off to UAE as prostitutes by the IRGC and Aghazadehs.Prostitution and drugs has become very common in todays Iran.Don't no what planet you live on.

    5. Anon 8:21 PM, other people (not paid shills for hasbara, like certain people) live on the planet where in reality, zionists are world leaders in all kinds of filth. israel harvested organs from bodies in the 1990s without permission of family members, the former head of a state-run forensic laboratory said in a newly released interview.
      Government officials acknowledge that the practice happened, but emphasize that it ended years ago.
      In an interview in 2000, which was released to an Israeli TV channel and broadcast over the weekend, Dr. Yehuda Hiss -- who was once head of the Abu Kabir forensic institute -- discussed the practice. "We started to harvest corneas for various hospitals in Israel," Hiss said in the interview on Israel's Channel 2 network.
      "Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the families," he said.

      Advocacy group: Israel is a pedophile's paradise
      National Council for the Child: Justice Ministry must impose harsher penalties on online sex offenders

    6. Anon 9:01 Soon as you know that you have no answer you brand people as "shills" and "hasbara".That's a typical cyber mozdor response for you.

    7. Anon 5:28 PM, as soon as you are unable to deny facts you resort to directing attention to the messenger. A typical hasbara tactic in order to try and distract from the facts. It is obvious to anyone with any awareness of the hasbara cyber propaganda that its hired shills are commenting here on this site. It is obvious from their fanatical excuses for the crimes against humanity committed by the zionist occupation regime.

    8. Anon 7:34 what's obvious is that your claims are baseless bullsh1t belonging to an ignorant and churlish person reliant upon smears rather than reason or truth.

    9. Anon 7:34 You see,there you go again! A typical underhanded tactic by a cyber mozdor,focusing on Israel and the Palestinians instead of what really matters to Iranians.Namely Iranian national interests.

    10. You are still unable to deny facts, I see. According to you, smears are only to be condemned when they are against zionists, not when they are against Iranian people. The hasbara shill above, wrote "Iran is a toilet of a country where one fifth of the population are criminals." yet you have nothing to say about that. Your only concern is with the comments pointing out the double standard of the zionists who claim that about Iran. Very hypocritical for someone trying to portray themselves as concerned with Iranian national interests!

      It is only right to focus on zionists and the zionist occupation regime when they point their hypocritical fingers at Iran. zionists are in no position to lecture and label Iranian people while their own behaviour is even worse.

    11. Anon 9:30....Who the hell cares for your "Zionists"and Palestinians.The country is in a state of despair and all you people are concerned about are "Zionists" and "Palestinians". This is an Iranian site to blog about issues concerning Iranians.We need to sort out the mess in our own country first before worrying for others.Go and spine your daily diatribes at someone else.

    12. Anon 7:18 PM, you have nothing to say about the comment labelling Iranians as criminals, especially about the fact that it comes from hypocrites who are even worse criminals. Very strange and hypocritical for someone trying to portray themselves as concerned with Iranian national interests!

  9. Jabbar: Your last paragraph (an invite to spar) spoiled an otherwise valid observation.

  10. How many legal cases is in the US system and are they exceedeing Iranian ones???

    I have found description, in the above article, that the Iranian population is in trouble...(SUFFERING), and I have also read information somwhere else, that a one third of the US population is in trouble because they suffer from obesities...
    Do Iranians have the same obesity troubles, or are they "magnified" with an acquisition of the "Western type of democracies".

    Regarding some comments about characterization that there was "Islamic awakening" in Egypt, I have to point, that Mursi and his followers are finding, that Iranian leadership's advices were correct and Mursi is no longer in position to lecture the IRI and have to take the Islamic Republic example as a model to solve his social problems, or assume that Iranian population is more mature than Egyptian one...


  11. In addition to being a world renowned proctologist and top military expert, Dr.Jabbar is an attorney who has not once, but twice, argued before the United States Supreme Court.

    I would listen to what he says here.

    1. Yessari can't be taken seriously, neither now, nor for a long time to come.

    2. "Yessari can't be taken seriously, neither now, nor for a long time to come."

      Seriously? :(

    3. were he a proctologist, he would know you entirely.

  12. Does anyone know how to research the percentage of iranians in the US with a criminal file against them?

    Would guess it's a very high percentage in light of the dishonesty of iranian culture.

    1. the Iranians who have come to the US and become citizens, and their offspring, are highly educated, successful and law-abiding.
