
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Notes on Ahmadinejad helicopter incident

Helicopter experienced "hard landing" during President Ahmadinejad trip in northern Iran, June 2:

Operator: Tavanir Co
Type: Mil Mi-171E 
Reg: 14-1702

File photo: Tavanir Co. Mil Mi-171E , 14-1702

Photos: IRNA and


  1. Sorry to be a couple days late on this.

  2. This photos are okay, but aren't more important things to inform about; where main author has been trying to ooze his faked propagandas, that commented your previously posted Iranian construction's photos as "investors? panic"; who try to "escape" with their savings into the real estates.

    It would be better, for instance, to strive and post a transcript from the first May 31, 2013 Iranian presidential debate, in order to "educate students", than to give another opportunity to miserable speculations about power struggles and assasination's attempts.

    Majority of Iranians don't need advises from different hipocrytes and agents to shed their blood for those faked ideas of foreign enemies.


  3. Thanks Mark. A very skilled pilot indeed.

  4. Why do you people make these comments, when you don't know anything about the facts. Typical Iranian behaviour. You don't know the Pilot or anything about his skills. (No information has been released about his background) You don't know anything about the so called "Incidents" as the IRI did not release any detailed report on what the "incident" was.
    It could have been a very simple thing that any pilot is supposed to handle. There is a limit to blind nationalism.

    1. Because they think they are know it all.

  5. See 'ZOLJANAH' Heavy Duty Tactical 10.10 Truck(IRAN's new TEL for Bavar 373):
