
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Perseverance Front to Choose New Nominee for President

The Perseverance Front, the extremist hardline group led by ultraconservative Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, said today it is in consultation with its leading members and other conservatives groups to choose a new candidate for president.

The Front had chosen former health minister Kamran Baqeri Lankarani as its nominee. But as the deadline for registration of candidates approached, and it was becoming clear that Ayatollah Rafsanjani would run, the Front pushed the nomination of a much stronger candidate, Saeed Jalili. Mr. Jalili, the executive secretary of the Supreme National Security Council and the country’s chief nuclear negotiator, registered to run for president literally at the last hour.

It is now expected that Lankarani would withdraw his name in favor of Jalili. What is not yet clear is if the Front can field a unity candidate along with traditional conservative groups, most notably the Coalition of Three (Qalibaf, Velayati, Haddad Adel), to stop Rafsanjani’s presidency.

Photo credit: Top presidential candidates. The first row, from right: Rafsanjani, Mashaie, and Jalili (ISNA) 


  1. The extremists want Jalili because he is a weak candidate which they can manipulate along the way - a better Ahmadinejad; but he has nothing to offer to general public; no success, no plan, no popularity - no nothing. I doubt they can turn him to a likeable guy for the general public; the iranian Right has nothing to offer but negativity; they hate America, they hate EU; they hate Israel; they hate the Iranian population - Iran neighbors and you name it; everything else is enemy - that is the summary of their 'mindset' ; so they have nothing positive to offer. But much depends on Rafsanjanis campaign; he has to come with a set of new and fresh ideas; he has to offer something positive; that is essential; the right will attack him ruthlessly and they control much of the Iranian media; it will not be easy for Rafsanjani but he has the backing of the general population; the question is whether he can capitalize on that point because that is the point where the Right will attack him in order to prevent that capitalization ...

    1. -Sometimes we tend to Love some things and then we realize later they are not as good as we wished them to be!-likewise We sometimes hate things with passion and then we come to realize later that in fact those particular 'bad' things are indeed beneficial!-
      -IT IS PRUDENT therefore to accept that all the candidates mean good for the Nation!!.

  2. If 2+1 chooses J over Q they risk R enticing Q away to his own camp = absolute disaster for the Right; R + Q would win with 90 %; even if engineering it must be subtle, they could not get away with that ...
