
Sunday, March 10, 2013

New Pics: Isfahan Metro Station under construction

Isfahan light rail metro station platform under final stages of construction

Left: decorative floor design of station platform
Right: Station ground floor detail

Station ground floor high ceiling detail

External views of Isfahan metro station and entry point

Source: IRNA


  1. The Isfahan metro construction is behind schedule, in much the same way the SF Bay Bridge upgrade has been as well as the HWY 1 tunnel project here in northern California. But the Iranians keep plugging away at it.


  3. The regime must be paying fanboy overtime.

    1. I did not know Mark was into construction business!you have some inside info you would like to share with us?

  4. I am suggesting to post some photos from portfolio "The real Iran US doesn't want you to see".

  5. The "real Iran".
    Lets see now,oh yes,arresting and fining women for "bad hijab".
    Not allowing women to study certain subjects in universities leading to a possible ban in the future on women going to university.
    Maybe women will allowed to learn how to be a good Segheh?
    Arresting anybody opposed to barbaric regime.
    The common use of Rape,Torture,Amputations and murder.
    And of course the only country in the world to use drive by hangings.

  6. What the hell People, Your bitching discredit arguments against the regime, Can't you understand even a religious, dictatorship can actually be responsible for building anything useful? Grow up, stop hurting those of us are who against this regime but not so childish and bitchy...
