
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Muslims Should Avoid Imitating the West - Khamenei

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei just twitted a message on development of Islamic civilization along with a new Facebook photo.

“The primary requirement for building a new Islamic civilization is to avoid imitating the West,” said Khamenei. (@khamenei_ir, 31 March)

Photo: A new photo posted on Facebook on 31 March (


  1. He means there is no freedom of speech (and thought) in Islam (and Iran); his anti-americanism is a cover for his reactionary anti-Iranianism ....

    1. Create a Hyde Park and there you will have a free speech, but that free speech will exclude any remarks and calls to overthrow the "Queen"..

  2. What is the result of the 'islamic civilization' from pakistan to north africa ? Sorry to tell you: it is a cultural, scientific and political waste land; no sign of any thing positive vigour what so ever; and it is not convincing to blame the West four every thing; it is indeed the Islam itself which is the main obstacle to any form of civilizing innovation ...

  3. Here you see the result of Islamic civilization:

    1. And here you see the Western glorious civilization:

      "O'Reilly has previously suggested that gay marriage could ultimately allow for a person to marry a goat, duck, or dolphin."

      And this is on Fox! Let alone all other American stupids who are way more stupid that the Shiite idiot on your video.

  4. The west is now a euphemism for decaying Zionism. In a mere 65 years the pivot of the so-called "west", the US has been turned into a corrupt deadbeat cesspool, thanks to Zionist bankers and lost Islamophobic wars. Power now has permanently shifted to the east. This transition is already benefiting Iran. On a similar vein, there is really no Islamic world as such, but a few tribal corruption infested Arab hatefilled fiefdoms killing other Arabs, and then Southeast Asian nominal Muslims (Indonesia and Malaysia) who are doing quite well and then the global basketcases and perpetual begging bowls of terrorist nations of South Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh). Then they are machete hacking Muslims of largely animist Africa who are too busy boko haram (education is forbidden). Iran's version of Shia-Islam is unique and progressive. Iranian take more pride in their Persian heritage than the re-engineered Shia-ism unique to Iran and the Persians who found a way of modifying the brutal and savage Arab desert creed unsuited for most rational people. What Iran really needs is a liberal version of Shia-ism incorporating the three millennium old Persian heritage. Islam in its current unrefined and Zionist controlled Arab form is an insult to human intelligence. Look at the mess in Syria, Egypt, Af-Pak where the so-called Muslims are being used as pawns to blow each other up and hack off heads. The current version of Islam is made in Langley and Whitehall. So in essence the Iranian mullahs are correct is steering Iran away from any "western" influence. Thank you.

  5. How come muslims have the only major religion that a person cannot leave or change to another religion without the threat of being put to death??? Does being a muslim mean living your entire life in fear???

    1. Anon 9:21

      Fear? ...or you don't give s***, just continue living life. LOL


      you are asking why is Islam the only religion in the world that does not allow its adherents to renounce the faith and choose another religion!

      -answer one-
      to start with, Islam is the only religion in the world that calls Christians and Jews part of it!just as it forbids compulsory conversion !.and commands equal treatment and respect for non Muslims in an Islamic state.

      -answer two-
      the command to kill anyone who renounces Islam was prompted by the JEWS of MEDINA of the time!-this is what they did-before the Holy Prophet came to Medina they told the masses that indeed a prophet shall be born in Mecca! and will eventually come to Medina after some persecutions there during his ministry!-when the Prophet indeed come to the city of Medina by the command of His Lord ,they planted tricks,a group would convert to Islam in the morning and then renounce the faith in the evening shouting 'oh people surely this is not the Prophet we told you!!,we are running away from his strange faith!!-this created confusion and made many people to backslide and it seemed hard to convince people! -SO WHEN THE COMMAND WAS REVEALED
      NO ONE DARED to play cards with the new faith and this helped to bring order in Medina!!.

  6. Sure,don't imitate the West lets just imitate desert Arabs :o)

  7. If you cannot see the huge differences between iran and the puppet arab despots then you must be completely blind
