
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fast and Furious through the streets of Tehran - Video

Quick-paced drive through the streets of Tehran. Note the number of tower cranes and construction projects seen in the distance or passed by. In spite of the "tightest sanctions ever imposed" Tehran does not look anything like the state Baghdad experienced around 1999.

Video originally posted by Ye Tehrooni at Vimeo 4 days ago.


  1. Are West-residing IRI Groupies still going to blame sanctions for killing Iranian hemophiliac little children and causing old Iranian men and women to die due to shortages of medicine (as they already have been doing in the media)? Then again, West-residing IRI Groupies are absolute masters of speaking out of both sides of their mouths. Carry on then.

  2. Tehran is a vibrant city. For the sake of Tehranis, let’s hope the sanctions are lifted soon.

    1. uskowi at 9:20PM

      Let's hope,that according to your instructions, where Iran has to come to terms with the West, the us will not wait for lifting sanctions until the Islamic Republic dismantle itself and surrenders its Persian Gulf islands to the KSA's "pimps"..


  3. The sanctions are meaningless and Iran's progress will continue regardless. As long as the Zionist cabal controls US it the sanctions will remain and continue to hurt the warmongering deadbeat US economy more. A recent study by Harvard University sums up the US predicament:

    The cost to America of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could now reach as much as $US6 trillion ($5.8 trillion) - or $US75,000 for every household, a study from Harvard University has concluded.

    The calculation, which includes the cost of spiralling veterans' care bills and the future interest on war loans, paints a grim picture of how America's future at home and abroad has been mortgaged to the two conflicts entered into by George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003.

    ''There will be no peace dividend'', is the stark conclusion from the 22-page report from the Kennedy School of Government, ''and the legacy of Iraq and Afghanistan wars will be costs that persist for decades''.

    These Zionist wars have ruined the US and the one-dimensional sanctions only help Iran diversify its economy and integrate it better with the new Asia centric world order. The US dollar is basically worthless in international trade now as even BRIC nations now conduct trade with currency swaps.

    1. The US dollar is worthless, but the IRI's Rial is extremely valuable. You got it!

    2. Just a few more related points to the futility of US sanctions and their counterproductive impact on a deadbeat economy that has the fastest shrinking manufacturing sector in history which accounts for less than 7% of a bankrupt economy that is shrinking in real terms by around 2% per annum. The US simply can not afford $ ONE TRILLION POLICE STATE and further warmongering. Brother Kim in DPRK is doing a good job in keeping the begging bowl US on edge too and wasting resources on the Korean peninsula. Iran is on a winner no matter.

      The Harvard report highlights the rise in the long-term cost of treating veterans who both survive in greater numbers and seek treatment for a wider selection of ailments.

      ''More than half of the 1.56 million troops who have been discharged to date have received medical treatment … and been granted benefits for the rest of their lives,'' the report said. It also said the real bills would not fall due for decades to come.

      The second major hidden cost of the two conflicts would be servicing the debts incurred as a result of the ''unprecedented'' decision to pay for the wars entirely from debt while cutting taxes during wartime.

      The cost estimates dwarf the initial projections.

    3. "The sanctions are meaningless." Don't say that to Tehranis.

    4. Oh yeah, that is why there are billions of Tehranis starving in the streets demonstrating.LOL. Life must be good in your parallel universe. BTW, Iran's non-energy exports are now well in excess of $70 billion and rising. The construction sector boom which Mark astutely posts regularly is pushing over $50 billion in infrastructure, housing and civil construction, not to mention the Sepah and Artesh constructing dozens of new military bases, naval dockyards and airbases including a large IRIAF facility at Birjand (to house new Chinese J-10)and a deep sea naval port at Pasabandar near the Paki border. This boom is now not confined to Tehran alone. Go to any Iranian city and you would be amazed at the level of construction activity. Everybody needs these types of

    5. The Islamic paradise is ranked somewhere between Number 70 and Number 78 in GDP per capita among countries. You were saying?

    6. More of your usual ignorance. It is in the top 20 nations on GDP/PPP. Read even OECD analysis on its inclusion in the BRIICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Iran and China)soon.

    7. You are an absolute genius, though you do lack BASIC reading skills. I cited GDP per CAPITA -- you can't dispute that fact can you? I didn't think so. The IRI is ranked Number 17 in GDP and Number 17 in population. So what? What a great, stupendous, super-duper achievement! But, it's not even ranked in the Top 100 (not even the Top 100!) among countries in either infant mortality, life expectancy, overall literacy, or female literacy. How pathetic! You were saying?

    8. The genius "infant mortality" guy again! Find some new arguments. LOL!

      Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24) in Iran was 98.52 as of 2008. Its highest value over the past 32 years was 98.52 in 2008, while its lowest value was 42.33 in 1976.

      And those who were illiterate were raised under your beloved Mohammad Reza (aka the pitiful US puppet).

      You are absolutely funny and pathetic. :))))) I think your data is quite rusty, like your tiny brain.

    9. The Islamic paradise is ranked Number 152 in female literacy and Number 151 in overall literacy:

      Do you expect your typical IRI "arbadeh-keshi" to just wash away these facts? You were saying? .-)

    10. Your rusty data belongs to 2003. And your brain belongs to 700 BC.

    11. When a West-residing IRI Groupie speaks, a West-residing IRI Groupie lies:

      It states, "Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 1, 2012".

      Now, carry on with your typical "arbadeh-keshi". You were saying?

    12. DEADBEAT US ranks 156 in HDI and infant mortality and has more people in jail than in skool.LOL. BTW, even once US puppets like Australia are dumping the worthless dollar whose only use would be that of coarse quality toilet paper.

    13. When a West-residing IRI Groupie speaks, a West-residing IRI Groupie lies:

      The US is ranked Number 3 in the latest HDI report, which was released just a few weeks ago. You were saying?

    14. Go to your own page and in front of Iran see 2003. Are you illiterate or just a shameless liar accusing others? As we say in Persian you need to put it in "ab-e yakh."

    15. When a West-residing IRI Groupie speaks, a West-residing IRI Groupie lies. The link I provided says nothing about 2003, but it clearly does state:

      "Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 1, 2012".

      And here is the link again, so non-West-residing IRI Groupies can check for themselves:

      You were saying?

    16. "AnonymousMarch 31, 2013 at 4:23 PM
      The Islamic paradise is ranked Number 152 in female literacy and Number 151 in overall literacy:"

      Can't you see "2003" in front of Iran? Maybe you are not lying and you are just blind, or simply can't read numbers bigger that 50.
      When a CIA informant speaks, he better shut up :)))) as we are just tired of your nonsense.

    17. The West-residing IRI Groupie should look at the link below (the same as the one I supplied above), which ranks the Islamist terrorist regime as Number 151 (how pathetic!) in literacy and also states, "Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of January 1, 2012":

      This isn't your Islamist terrorist regime, where a bunch of "arbadeh-keshi" and thuggish behavior will silence the truth. You were saying? .-)

    18. Was this link posted by the CIA poor informant or it just appeared in the middle of your comment by the mo'jeze of Imam GWBush?

      Go waste your own time pitiful CIA informant.

    19. O West-residing IRI Groupie, I provided several links, one of which clearly stated that as of 2012, the Islamic terrorist tyranny was ranked a pitiful Number 151 in literacy. Do Islamists know anything other than "arbadeh-keshi" and other such examples of thuggish behavior? I think not. You were saying '-)

    20. I were saying you should ask your CIA owners to provide you with more valid information. It's not going to reflect well on them to just unleash you and leave you unsupported. Watch Iran under the IRI bloom and chew on your nails. :)))))

    21. Speaking of illiteracy: "I were saying..." (LOL). That is a wonderful display of the English language, my dear West-residing IRI Groupie.

      Oh yeah, the Islamist terrorist tyranny (aka "Number 151") is "blooming". Yeah, right! By next year, the mullah regime might even reach Number 150! '-)

    22. I bet my ability to write in English is 10 thousand times better than your ability to think for yourself. :))))

      Keep picking on grammar as you have nothing of value to produce.

      Also, the 151st IS blooming. تا کور شود هر آنکه نتواند دید

    23. When your are led by a bunch of savage Islamist thugs, I guess Number 151 is actually pretty good...

      BTW, how is that piece-of-junk Russian nuclear reactor working out? I mean the one that took forever-and-a-day to build and is "under repair" most of the time. I love the fact that the Russian charlatans have been milking the mullahs for so much money to build that junkyard reactor. Too bad it's the Iranian peoples' money that is being spent by the Islamist savages.

  4. Sanctions are not new to iranians,had imposed since revolution.Iran knows well how to circumvent.Yeah it proves that Bazaris is the word come from iran!

  5. Sanctions are a nuisance. The economic problems Iran faces today are not to do with sanctions, they're to do with the mismanagement of the economy. Hopefully the sanctions will force the government to sort out the economy.

    In my opinion, the oil sanctions are one of the best things that have happened to Iran recently. Oil prices are high enough that Iran can still manage to get by on exporting only 1 million barrels a day, whilst making sure that at the same time, Iran's economy is no longer dependent on oil exports.

    Imagine an Iranian economy that:

    has a national social security
    has zero subsidies
    has a strong tax collection agency

    The above are things the Iranian government keeps trying to do and keeps failing. Now it is forced to do these things.
