
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

‘Ahmadinejad Destroyed Three Decades of Achievements’ - Rafsanjani

Iran’s influential statesman and former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani today criticized those who have backed President Ahmadinejad and his allies, who are these days referred to as the ‘deviationist current.’ Rafsanjani said Ahmadinejad’s government has destroyed three decades of achievements of the Islamic Republic.

“I am surprised that why some people, especially clerics, have supported them (Ahmadinejad and his allies). Even more strange is they will not stop supporting this disaster now that they have realized the true identity of this current.” (Baztab, 13 March)

Rafsanjani accused Ahmadinejad and his supporters of running away from their responsibility for the mess they have created and said they instead are putting the blame on the regime as a whole for their own destructive policies.

Rafsanjani also said if the right conditions for a successful presidential election is observed, then all political tendencies, personalities and the regime’s friends and loyalists would participate in the election. By the right conditions, Rafsanjani was referring to conducting an election that all tendencies loyal to the regime can nominate their candidates and their credentials would not rejected for political reasons. Rafsanjani did not say if he would personally run in the election scheduled for 14 June.

File photo: Former President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (Baztab)


  1. Nahh.. Ahmadinejad just showed the corruption and incompetence that was bubbling under the surface for past three Decades...

    1. I do not think so Mr. Anon at 7:43 PM
      Every man makes mistakes, so Ahmedinejad is no exception...and Rafsanjani have the right to constructive critics including his own mistakes...

      The article states incompatiable messages that Rafsanjani criticizes Ahmadinejad and that he, at the same time said that "... successful presidential election...all political tendencies...would participate..."

      Last January, Rafsanjani proposed that the future government should be a national unity one.

      Enemies of the Islamic Republic, including the ones on this blog, try to suggest and create divisions and undermine credibilities of the leadership that has to work in extremly difficult conditions..

      The ENEMIES will always try to DIVIDE (societies, populations and leaderships) in order to rule by the old historical methods.


    2. The whole lot of them can go to hell !

    3. Agreed, enemies will always try to divide the people of Iran into “them” and a shrinking “us.” Are you with “them” or with “us?”

    4. Above comment was addressed to A-F, and hope we get his answer.

    5. A-F is repeating or parroting the regimes usual garbage.

    6. I am with the majority of Iranian people and every nation needs a leader or leaders to achieve the maximum of possibilities.

      Every society has people who will sell themselves for money paid by outsiders and enemies. And there always are some anarchists, atheists, perverts and criminals as well schizophreniacs who will join those traitors...

      You don't have to play Rafsanjani against Ahmedinejad, because they will be ready to sacrifice their lives in a defence of the country, if a need will come.

      Uskowi, you now well that before any physical aggression or war, an enemy and his outside and inside supporters, will try to weaken morale of people by atacking leadership, creating divisions and spreading doubts. Some, if not all of those actions are present on your blog and faciliated by this blog's authors...

      What a majority of Iranian people need is that they want to have decent living condition, access to education and health care.
      They do not need sex shops, casinos, perverts, guns etc.
      The Islamic Republic strives to address those needs under economical aggression of the West and its lackeys - who are protecting Zionists and try to prevent an emergence of the powerful and important Iran.

      In aggression's conditions patriots have only one choice - to be with the nation majority's will, and I support that way for the good of the Iranian nation and a peaceful world.


    7. The WEST-residing IRI Groupies need to be fact-checked. Otherwise, they'll tell us Emam Khomeini's face is in the moon tonight. The Islamic republic is ranked somewhere between Number 70 and 78 among countries in GDP per capita. It is ranked 108 in infant mortality (108th, for Allah's sake. All that oil revenue and still only 108th in the world!). It is ranked somewhere between Number 102 and Number 132 in life expectancy. No wonder the WEST-residing IRI Groupies want to change the subject. With those kind of pitiful and pathetic measures of wellbeing, it only makes sense they want to not discuss the facts about their Ayatollah "Republic" (that they love so much while living in Satanic North America and Europe).

    8. A-F 3:23 AM,

      Unfortunately, hiding behind the “majority will” cut the debate. You have constantly talked about divisions and how the enemies of Iran would want to see more divisions within the Iranian body politic. The question was, What do you then think about the regime’s tendency to divide political personalities, activists and parties into “us” and “them” camp, and increasingly driving a large number of them out of their inner circle. Isn’t that, consciously or otherwise, the very act you despise and see it as the work of the enemies?

      Your accusations/suggestions that the authors of this blog are facilitating an attack on Iran comes from your sheer ignorance. It doesn’t take much guts to accuse others while hiding under an assumed name; and these types of personal attacks are the best manifestation of a totalitarian culture prevalent in the Islamic Republic: If you don’t agree with us politically, you are an enemy. Shameful!

    9. Funny A-F,all the perverts and criminals are presently running the country ;-)

    10. Mr. Uskowi
      to answer your characterizations that:

      -it is "Shameful" to call you enemy (because I "disagree politically" with you), I will respond that in any aggressions and wars there is no time for doubts or disagreements. One have to follow orders of leader(s) and fight the enemy...Any complaints and "discussion" may be done after the battle...

      -you state that my suggestions are sheer ignorance, I would then suggest to ask B.M.A, Mat and your other previously known critics to express their opinion in that matter.

      -you state I am hiding under an assumed name, then I would respond that you and/or your supporters, who are under "protective umbrella" of your sponsors, are afraid to post their initials or personal photos and answer details of previously posted photos, such as one - where one of you to my best knowledge is showed with E. Barak in a photo combination (It was posted in the fall of 2012). You also apparently are afraid to state your clear position regarding Iranian island (so far I haven't seen one).
      In comparison to your other "commentators", who do not leave any initials to track their records, my inisials can verify merits of my previous statements, as opposite to your "hidden" symphatizers, who assume not to bear any logical responsibilities for their stupidities respected by your staff.

      -for your allegations to regime's tendence to divide political personalities, I would like to refer your attention to the Supreme Leader's words where he admonished Mr. Larijani and Ahmadinejad for quarreling, where the people need a comfort (of peace) in those crucial times for the Nation....
      That situation showed that great nation need a great leader and the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei fits well for those tasks to preserve national unity and take care of nation's well being...


    11. What photo of E. Barak are you referring to? I personally have never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Barak. Whom are you talking about? Please provide the reference.

      Your insistence that all must follow the orders of the leader all the time is exactly what’s the problem here. We’ve seen that movie many times before. It’s called totalitarianism and dictatorship.

    12. A-F, on your assertion about the three islands, there are so many posts on this blog on the issue. As starter, please go back to a post on April 1, 2008 ("The Question of Bahrain, the Three Island and Iran") and stop spreading false information! But then, spreading false information is probably the most effective way for you to make a point, isn't it?

  2. What the hell is this thief talking about?
    If he means by "achievements" like lying,stealing,imprisoning,torture,rape and murder then what sort of "achievements" are they?
    This Uzbek thief is the man who helped Khomeini as well as Khamenei into power so he could steal in stealth and build his financial empire.
    The truth is Ahmadinejad is just the stool pigeon because the entire regime is the cause of Iran's woes.

    1. Why this tendency to see everything through hatred? Islamic republic has many problems and is not a good system overall (more importantly since it seems it can not evolve into a better system peacefully and so it makes the whole political process slow and expensive) but it was not a total failure as you want to depict. There are many areas that I can claim IR was relatively successful intentionally or non-intentionally. For example, number of schools and universities increased exponentially, number woman in university increased to more than 60%, health care in rural area is much better than similar countries. In science and technology Iran has some achievements. To be more objective I just give you one figure that compare Iran to Turkey. As you see the situation is not as bad as you depict but of course it is problematic in many areas and we as a nation should find a way to make the transition into a better and more stable system as smooth and low cost as possible.

    2. I don't have to "depict" anything the results show for itself.Don't even compare the Iran of today to Turkey.
      It's easy to compare a country to 35 years ago and brag about it.With all the oil money stolen you would expect after 35 years that the country should have a few more universities.In fact if this blasted take over by mullahs wasn't done in the first place the country would have been more advanced than Turkey,South Korea and parts of Europe.
      And one more thing when it comes to "hatred" the regime hates Iran and Iranian culture and wants to force down our throats Shiite Arab tripe.

    3. I gave a you a figure for 2011 not 35 years ago. And your reasoning is wrong Saudis have much more money than Iran and their oil production is 3 times of Iran but their state of advancement is not even close to Iran or Turkey

    4. Anon 8:26....Are you saying Rafsanjani isn't a thief ?
      I hope you realize by now that the regime can not be reformed ?
      Just like the Koran can not be rewritten.
      The problematic mullahs will not be smoothly removed from power.

    5. Anon 11:25

      The fact remains that Iran today under the Tazi occupiers is a tenth of what it could have been under a Melli system of government.Your way of thinking is saying that ("lets wait and see what will happen in ten years time for this regime to reform itself")while the country is being physically and morally rapped on a daily bases.
      I take it you must be one of those "reformists" types that wants to preserve the regime at any cost to the nation?
      The "reformists" types are the worst kind of people because they try to cut your throat with a feather.

  3. It's really amusing. Here in the United States, Obama's detractors accuse him of being a socialist and/or a nazi. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmadinejad's detractors refer to him as a deviationist.

    Ah, the workings of dynamic political systems...

    1. In the US there has been bigger percentage of "haters" than in the Islamic Republic, including Iranian diaspora.

      Significant parts of constituencies in both parties "hate" the opposing party and its voters...


    2. The WEST-residing IRI Groupies need to be fact-checked. Otherwise, they'll tell us Emam Khomeini's face is in the moon tonight. The Islamic republic is ranked somewhere between Number 70 and 78 among countries in GDP per capita. It is ranked 108 in infant mortality (108th, for Allah's sake. All that oil revenue and still only 108th in the world!). It is ranked somewhere between Number 102 and Number 132 in life expectancy. No wonder the WEST-residing IRI Groupies want to change the subject. With those kind of pitiful and pathetic measures of wellbeing, it only makes sense they want to not discuss the facts about their Ayatollah "Republic" (that they love so much while living in Satanic North America and Europe).

  4. Ahmadinejad revealed the low intelligence quotient of those who supported him; the minute I saw him I knew this is a moron; there are Things you can not conceal behind your religious (or anti-american) propaganda; the system has become a magnet for low quality people; a healthy system is an attraktor for high quality (high IQ) people - the Mullah system is truly sick in this sense ...

  5. If you send Ahmadinedjad to any South American, African or Asian-with some exceptions-countries to be the president they will welcome him with open hands for his effectiveness, resoluteness and results-based work.
    Tell me, from the Shah's grandfather till today, who among the Iranian leaders has initiated so many and vital projects than AHNE? Iran today is self-sufficient in myriads of things thanks to AHNE.
    You Iranians love bickering and nitpicking!
    Only one thing I can fault AHNE is that he has a big mouth. In fact, his big mouth is the one which brought about more problems for Iran than any of policies.
    I said here, the world is controlled by the Zios, he should have been better informed about this and devised better ways to skirt around this issue than taking it heads-on. Admittedly, his foolish utterances have created more problems, some of which, could have been avoided.

    1. Anon 11:07........What the hell has Ahmadinejad got to to with the Shah's grandfather?
      Do you even know the Shah's grandfathers name for you to say such claptrap?
      Remember the Shah's father Reza Shah saved Iran from its breakup.That's why you're here today all puffed up and full of yourself and "AHNE" is Iranian and not an Afghan citizen.

  6. Well.. Today We get hurt more from people in power than Foreign enemies.

  7. This evil man is more dangerous than Khamenei.
