
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

‘Reasonable Engineering’ of Elections Is IRGC’s ‘Inherent Duty’ – IRGC Official

Meanwhile Khamenei Warns Against Criticism of Electoral Process
Hojatoleslam Ali Saeedi, Khamenei’s representative to the IRGC, said in Tehran that it is the “inherent duty” of IRGC to ensure a “reasonable and logical engineering” of the forthcoming presidential election.
“The IRGC does not directly participate in the elections. It only sets the general framework and guidelines (for the elections),” Saidi said.
Saidi cautioned that the IRGC role should not be considered as interference in the electoral process. “A reasonable and logical engineering of the elections, however, is the inherent duty of the IRGC,” Saidi added. (ISNA, 8 January)
Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned Iranians the “criticizing the electoral process will help enemies.”  Iranians go to the polls in June to elect a successor to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

“Everyone, even those who make general recommendations about the election through expressing concerns, should take care not to serve the purpose of the enemy,” Khamenei said. (, 8 January)
Photo credit: Hojatoleslam Ali Saeedi, Supreme Leaders Representative to IRGC. (ISNA)


  1. So, is there a problem? Won't this year be a democratically styled election, as opposed to previous years?

  2. There is an all permeating eerie feeling in most peoples mind that the opressed & shackled voters will voice a great deal of discontent again, as they did back in 2009. The akhoond is buckling up for the ground shattering that is to come...

  3. You know what they can do with their "elections"?
    That's right you guessed it.

  4. who could you trust more than a senile bunch of religious fundamentalist bigots and fools to oversee a " reasonable and logical engineering"?

  5. Soon total mind control will be achieved, the minions will remain mushrooms for many many many years!!! Long Live Mr. K & Mr. A, Heros to all Iranians everywhere!

    1. Who is Mr.K and Mr.A ?

    2. He/She probably means Mr.Khamenei and Mr.Ahmadinejad.
      Maybe a hero to this poor individual but not to Iranians no matter where they are.

  6. If one must describe the meaning of filth,then these no good vermin are the perfect description.

  7. 30,000 Iranian government spies ......

    1. Thanks! Just proves how twisted and paranoid the Islamic theocracy is,and falsely claim the majority of people support them.

      Watch this on YouTube: Hojatoleslam Hossein Ansarian: What will happen to supporters If the regime is changed!
