
Friday, November 9, 2012

'Complete Sanctions' Planned Against Iran - AP

The Associated Press reported today from Washington that U.S. lawmakers are working on a set of new and unprecedented Iran sanctions that could prevent the country from doing business with most of the world until it agrees to international constraints on its nuclear program. Congressional aides involved in the process have told AP that the planned sanctions will amount to a “complete sanctions regime” against Iran.
The new measures will be sponsored by Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and reportedly will attached to a defense bill. The two senators sponsored tough sanctions against Iran’s oil industry earlier this year, which along with EU sanctions have already cut Iran’s oil exports by half. The newly planned sanctions build on the earlier sanctions and will also target all foreign goods that the country imports.

Sanctions skeptics argue that Iran’s leadership has yet to bite on an offer of compromise to halt parts of the country’s nuclear program in exchange for easing of sanctions. The proponents argue that tougher sanctions could accelerate the point to which the Iranian economy is on the verge of collapse, forcing the country’s supreme leader to give ground in the nuclear negotiations.


  1. This seems practically impossible to achieve. The US shouldn't overplay its hand.

  2. United States are not a constructive force in the world these days - sad thing to say because I am generally pro-american. lt looks like USA and IRI are the mirror image of each other in this conflict

  3. The sooner the Iranian people rise up and wash the anti Iranian regime away the better!

  4. US is a deadbeat LOSER with an imploding society and bankrupt economy. The US cowards have been "sanctioning" Iran for over 33 impotent years and this new barking is hardly new. A country like Iran will never yield to Zionist yelping. Iran can make life worse than the hell the US is in the region currently.

  5. every 3-6 Monts a new round of Sanctions.

    The bankruopt super is not able to bring the iranian economy, the time is changed, the time of globalization is coming without help of Chiona, Russia, India are all these sanctions good for nothing

  6. eh, now what, are they gonna starve the entire population to death?

  7. One has to wonder why Iraq suffered so badly under sanctions, and Iran hasn't been affected as much, even though Iran is near total embargo & sanctions. In the case of Iraq, the UN still kept a lifeline open in the way of "oil-for-food program", however the effeciency is highly debated -- because an estimated 500,000 lost their lives due to a shortened lifespan caused by starvation, due to an extreme increase in food prices and the lack of certain foodstuffs, which alltogether led to malnutrition and illnes. A devastated economy hence a lack of funds which meant that people were only able to buy a limited range of medication, and empty drugstores, certain type of medication was simply not available. No such consideration or garantuee have been given to the Iranian people from the outside.

    I guess it must be a matter of time, perhaps the question is: how long will it take before we see a humanitarian catastrophe in Iran...

  8. Anon 6:21 PM

    Wow,you've just described the conditions in Iran.

    And another thing you sound suspiciously like that mat fellow.

  9. anon 10:08--- Iran IS starting to suffer and the sanctions are just recently gone into effect.

    Iran has only lately been pushed out the window, so yeah, it doesn't really hurt that doesn't really hurt until you hit the ground.

  10. They always say the next sanctions will be tougher than the previous one..

    This is been going on for 30+ years..If anything, it show the US's helplessness and desperation in their attempt to cause Iranians to revolt against their own government or worse, the collapse of the Iranian state..

    They can dream on...

    Of course, there'll always be anti-Iranian so-called Iranians living comfortably in the West that will support the Americans in this venture..Their names will be added to the long list of Iranian traitors who collaborated with foreigner to destroy their own country..Shameful!!!

  11. iran is not south africa, iran is not libya under ghadaffi. iran is like cuba who faced sanction since 1962. the american with bankrupty economy and burden with trillions of debt will suffer from its onw action.

  12. Cuba didn't do well under sanctions, chico....

    there was never enough to eat for the final week in every month ....and there are no longer any cats in Cuba.

    and even then, the sanctions against Cuba weren't enforced and honored by much of the world, merely the US.

    sanctions on Iran are very different.

  13. The Zionist Regime of Israel-controlled U.S.'s overall debts of $16 trillion with which its huge debt to China alone(the biggest foreign holder with $1.2 trillion or $1200 billions in note, bill and bond in 2011, and along with the current God-made 'sandy' superstorm), is possibly on the brink of bankcruptcy and collapse. China is probably well said to take over the lead from the world's most arrogant, ignorant and bully nation of the U.S. in such fields of economy, politic and military. The willpower of China will have turned the 'Great Wall' into the 'Great Wallet of China' which is just a matter of time and history.

  14. Nelson Mandela said

    The US is the biggest threat to the world peace...

  15. Anon 10:48Am

    You are not educated enough.

    Cuba have educated large numbers high class doctors despite the sanctions...
    Many foreigners come to Cuba to treat rare skin diseases and Cuban doctors help many poor people in the world countries.

    Before the Cuban Revolution, american mafia, including famous jewish figures, resided in Cuba and where prostitutes and casinos served them and their puppets..

  16. Will another war (with Iran and its supporters) nail the Us system down?

  17. and what he meant was that the US is so awfully powerful that has the ability to simply impose its will on the world.

  18. " The willpower of China will have turned the 'Great Wall' into the 'Great Wallet of China'

    Hah, this is ridiculous, but funny that you think it is an intelligent thing to say.

  19. "US's helplessness and desperation"

    Nobody in the US even cares about Iran, they'll blow your country to shit and it will barely make the news. Sorry.


  20. The US can easily turn the Islamic regime into ash.

  21. The US has many issues with Iran but the Nuclear one is a red line. Iran's hegemonic ambitions are also a red line.

    This could go 3 ways
    1. Iran backs down gives up enrichment and hegemonic ambitions. (Seams very unlikely)
    2. Iranian people get the confidence to rise up.
    3. One of the players starts a war
    (Unfortunately I think this is most likely)

    Sanctions are a prelude to war should they not back down. In the mean time.

    Iran - IMO has the ultimate goal of getting a nuke and threatening its way out of sanctions. It also underestimates the US resolve and ability to address it militarily and overestimates their abilities. It still thinks they can try to pull a north korea and the US will just contain them which they know they would be able to side step largely. This is a big mistake that will lead to US invasion. The US largely wants a diplomatic solution which is why Iran still sees the lack of resolve. I would also prefer a diplomatic solution but deep down I think the regime has to go and I think it more then justify the cost of war with them even knowing it will be expensive in blood and treasure. This can all still be avoided but Iran would have to make big changes and very soon.

    A final note:
    The USA could not be more prepared for this potential war. There has been planning and asset acquisition specific to this potential conflict for almost a decade. We are talking about a cold war level of preparation. I think it is sad that it has gotten to this point.
