
Monday, October 15, 2012

EU Approves New Sanctions Against Iran

Nearly Total Embargo on Iran

The European Union approved major new sanctions against Iran's banking sector, shipping and industry on Monday. The new measures, amounting to nearly total embargo on Iran, were approved by EU foreign ministers at their meeting in Luxembourg.

“Restrictive measures and conclusions on Iran (were) adopted,” said an EU statement. (Reuters, 15 October)

The measures include a ban on all financial transactions with Iran, with some exceptions for those involving humanitarian aid, food and medicine. In a reversal of existing European policy, the ban will require European traders to apply to their governments for authorization before they can finance any transaction with Iran. Meaning all transactions are forbidden unless individually approved by the government, closing many existing loopholes and amounting to nearly total embargo on Iran. The EU also bans trade guarantees with Iran.

The new sanctions also include a ban on providing shipbuilding technology and oil storage capabilities to Iran, as well as flagging and classification services to Iranian tankers. At present, the EU is the major supplier of engines and parts to Iran’s shipbuilding industry.

To read the EU's press release, please click here.


  1. It's quite obvious that this will force Iran to become more self-reliant than ever before, just as they have done with their military and aviation mongst other areas - and they will succeed in that endeavor with the kind of patience and virtue that they naturally possess. There is no other way out than to persevere and grow stronger on the inside. This sort of measure on the part of the Imperalistic nations was expected for years because of their enmity towards the Iranian nation. The Imperalists won't ever lift the sanctions, no matter Iranian concessions, eventual compromise, and submission to demands. This was exactly what the despicable leaders and politicians of the Imperalistic countries wanted all along. It suites their goal of trying to turn the people of Iran against its own government, which is a giant miscalculation, since it has the opposite effect on the pious and dedicated masses. Their moronic decision will only result in the increased distrust and hatred of the Iranian people towards the Imperalists/Colonialists - the enemies.

  2. obviously Iran will greatly benefit from this, will stop being reliant on the rest of the world and will begin forming string, new trade bonds with people on other worlds.....all of whom really, really, really want Iranian oil ( and really ugly religious doctrines, too!)

    a great victory for the incinvible theocrats.

  3. To the Iranian people, brace yourself for tough times with these new sanctions. It is you that will feel majority of the pain and not so much the government that has created this atmosphere.

    Change = It starts with the people and ends with the people.


  4. Wow Ahmadinejad's second term as president has been an utter and total disaster.

    Things were good during his first term, but the second term was an utter failure. Eventually porrugee can go too far.

  5. " just as they have done with their military and aviation mongst other areas"

    What?!?!?! Iran's military and aviation are almost all foreign made.

  6. every 6 months a new round of sanctions against iran.
    who cares about bankrupt EU/US sanctions.
    never working without copperation of china, india,russia, turkey

  7. anon 3:54---- and Russia and China vote for sanctions while Turkey and Iran are estranged and India is paying for Iranian oil with cooking oil and rice.

    keep whistling while things get worse and worse and rationing in Iran becomes widespread.

  8. EU is moving toward bankrupt. all sanction will boomerang to themselves.but EU have to make their master in israel now moving to asia as china and india are the new superpower.

  9. Do not worry, China is going to manufacture 12 huge (380 000 DWT) Suezmax tankers for Iran and deliver them before the end of the 2013. First of them the Panda has already been dispatched and the next ones are under construction or undergoing sea trials.

    I wish to see; during my lifetime, an Iranian manned space mission and I believe that it is the main reason behind all adversary's action, by bullies and their lackeys.

    Wouldn't be the sanctions it would happen already...
    anyway there is a better chance that it will happen than illwishers' goals would come thru...


  10. Dissident.

    There is going to be an Iranian low orbital manned mission around 2018 2020.
    Think nuclear coupled with submarine and there you have a potent combination.

  11. Anon 8:45 IAM
    I wish it would be close to the dates you mentioned, but because the recent need to deal with the aggressions, the space manned flight will be postponed for later, and it will happen during the Islamic Republic's existence.

    Please be informed that in my 5:32AM comment I have fond a typo error and therefore the number 318 000 should be there instead of the 380 000. Sorry for that.

