
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Anti-Islam filmmaker arrested on charges of probation violation

Photo credit:,

The washington post, citing the AP, reports that the anti-Islam filmmaker Mr. Nakoula was arrested after federal probation officers determined that he had violated the probation terms of his 2010 conviction (for unrelated charges) where he was sentenced to 21 months jail with probation. The terms of the probation did not allow for the use of the Internet without the permission of his probation officer.

Please note that Mr. Nakoula was not and could not be arrested because of the content of the film he produced. He is protected by the first amendment of United States constitution which guarantees freedom of expression, regardless how offensive or untrue the expressed views might be.

Moral of the story is that if you want to abuse your freedom of speech and cause the death of Americans, you had better not be violating your parol terms.

For those readers still questioning the concept of near absolute freedom of speech in the United States, feel free to check out a copy of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler on for $13.09 (provided the censors in Iran allow you to access the site).


  1. Good riddance! I hope this filthy Islamophobe goes to prison for the rest of his life.

  2. and here's what the Iranian press is like.....dumb, dishonest and clueless. prints without checking for factuality .

    and then when caught out ......

    "Story does not exist".

  3. --- " I hope this filthy Islamophobe goes to prison for the rest of his life."---

    you've got to be joking. iran has a filthy anti-Semite named Ahmadinejad representing it...and you're worried about some obscure person's bigotry?????


  5. Looks like the gangster regime has run out of propaganda points regarding this ridiculous 14 minute video.
    Oh well,back to reality and what is going on in their pals country, Syria.

  6. Anon 3:07 PM

    Clueless indeed, but then again so are the Western press and I've seen plenty of mistakes reported by them.

    Just remember, no press is infallible.

  7. Anon 3:11 PM

    I'm no fan of Ahmadinejad, but he is not anti-Semite, he's anti-Zionist. There's a difference between the two. As for this obscure person, well, he has lost his "obscurity status" the moment he released his video to the public. And I concur with Anon 1:09 PM. That idiot caused a lot of grief over in the Middle East and hopefully, the judge will give him the punishment he deserve -- a life sentence without parole.

  8. @anon 3:42
    I hate to disspoint you but Mr. Nakoula will be getting 21 months in jail, which was the original suspended sentence from his 2010 conviction.
    When you violate parole you get the original sentence, nothing more nothing less, unless new charges are brought up.

  9. Anon 3:42----- yes, indeed that most of Ahmadinejad's ranting is anti-Zionist rather than anti-Semitic, but not all of it.

    read this comment when him about the Jews...

    "They are all historical criminals. They are responsible for plundering and colonizing the world for the past 500 years.”

    then read the rest of this essay from a guy who had been very careful NOT to call Ahmadinejad an anti-Semite prior to this.

  10. And here is the video (see link below) that support Anon 4:59 PM's proof that Ahmadinejad is anti-Semitic.

    Horrifying, Graphic Video of Iranian Leader Savagely Abusing Jews

  11. Anon 5:59 PM

    LOL! Nice trick with the video title.

  12. There is an information on the Internet; worth to analyze, that over 80% people who portray themselves as a jews, never had any ancestors in the Middle East.
