
Monday, April 30, 2012

Baghdad Talks Will Not Resolve All Issues – Hadad Adel

Gholam Ali Hadad Adel, the presumed next speaker of Majlis and a senior advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei today predicted that the Baghdad Talks on 23 May between Iran and world powers on the country's nuclear program would likely not resolve all issues.

"Iran expects the P5+1 group to put an end to the illogical sanctions in Baghdad, because the inefficiency of sanctions is proven even for Western leaders," Hadad Adel said. "They can show their goodwill through a trust-building effort by lifting the sanctions." [Mehr News Agency, 30 April].

“Although one should not expect for all issues to be resolved in Baghdad, we can assume the atmosphere of the talks will follow in the (positive) footsteps of Istanbul," he added.

Iran has sent signals suggesting it could negotiate over its 20-percent uranium enrichment process, but expects that Western-imposed sanctions to be eased off.


  1. This is not about 20% uranium process but about uranium enrichment itself.
    Islamic regime increased it from 5% to 20% enrichment,so they might decrease it down to 5% through negotiations.
    This tactic won't work however and will lead to further deadlock.
    Absolute dead end I'm afraid.

  2. As dead end as the terrorist theocracy itself.

  3. "trust building" via the removal of the sanctions is extraordinarily unlikely. unless and until Iran begins the "trust building" by acceding to everything that the IAEA asks of iran.
