
Thursday, March 22, 2012

China to Continue Importing Iran Oil

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has criticized the US for sanctions against the Iranian oil sector, saying Beijing’s crude import from Iran is “legal.”

"China opposes any country implementing unilateral sanctions on another country according to its domestic law," Hong said on Wednesday. "China legally imports oil from Iran through normal channels in a reasonable and fair manner," he added [Xinhua, 22 March].


  1. Then maybe US can impose heavy tariff on Chinese imports.The Chinese are nothing without western companies which have built up and invested in China.Without them China is a rice bowl economy.If you look at Russia what do they make besides arms and exporting gas,nothing. And China without the West would have been worse off because in technology terms they are below the Russians.Thanks to the Americans Europeans Japanese and others they are not for now.When it comes to who makes the rules in banking and commerce it's the West and the West it shall stay for a long time to come despite what some brainwashed anti western hypocrites think.

    Reedambehroohetgohmeini Istanbul

  2. China loves Iran's LOW oil prices!!!

  3. Anon 6:25 AM

    Your statement might have been true more than 30 years ago, but not anymore. Today, China is increasingly becoming more self-sufficient in advanced technologies and only the foolhardy cynic would dismiss China as an insignificant force.

  4. Anon 12:58 AM

    Stop insulting with your unfounded cocksure assumption about china.
    China despite what you think is nothing without western technology and know how.
    But you missed the point Iran is giving away its oil for nothing in exchange China VETO'S against the West regarding Iran's nuclear issue.

    Reedambehroohetgohmeini Istanbul

  5. Anon 9:38 AM

    Oh please, spare me your vitriolic diatribes.

  6. Anon 12:51 PM

    Please don't be such a loser.

    The Man From Istanbul

  7. Anon 12:51 PM

    That's fine you stop your propaganda nonsense and will stop my "vitriolic diatribes."

    The man from Istanbul

  8. Anon 5:08 PM

    You are the one who started this nonsense, not me.

  9. China has to emancipate and take its role in this world.

    US is losing ground due to war and corruption, so this millenium should be Asia's

    Darius London
