
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Iran Navy: Closing Strait of Hormuz "Really Easy"

A day after Iran’s first vice president threatened the West with stopping the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz if sanctions were imposed on oil exports, the country’s naval commander said closing the Persian Gulf to oil tankers will be “easier than drinking a glass of water.”

“Closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran's armed forces is really easy ... or as Iranians say it will be easier than drinking a glass of water," said Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari. “But right now, we don't need to shut it as we have the Sea of Oman under control, and we can control the transit,” Adm. Sayyari added [Press TV, 28 December].


  1. The Iranians are predictable: if they're not allowed to export their oil, they're going to make it difficult for others to do the same, by whatever means they can. They've had plenty of time to plan for a potential, effective interdiction at or near the Strait of Hormuz. It is their equivalent of when U.S. leaders declare "all options are on the table", or "the atom bomb option" when referring to sanctions on CBI. They should not be underestimated.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mr. Uskowi, does Admiral Sayyari have a biography? I cannot seem to find one.

    I am curious what duty assignment he may have had in 1988 during "Operation Praying Mantis," the U.S. retaliation for the mining of a U.S. Navy frigate.

    Many thanks for any light you can shed -- and best wishes for a peaceful New Year.



  4. Lets hope Iran closes the strait of hormuz and stops about 6.5 mbpd of oil making it out of the arabian sea.

    It will be an act of war!

    This will finally force the muslim coward Obama to take action, if he wants to have any chance of getting reelected!

    Once it starts Iran will be begging the UN to have it stop!

    Obama will probably give in to the UN instead of crushing Iran completely.

  5. Just more orchestrated talk designed to keep oil prices high, nothing more.

  6. Basically Iran is saying that if the West wants war, then it should start now rather than later.

  7. If the world(US/Some EU countries) does not allow Iran to live in peace, then they will also know no peace. Call it WW3 or whatever you want. But nobody is appointed to rule the world and these countries are in no position to tell Iran what to do or how to live.

    I think it's only fair...And according to international law, sanctions and blockades are an act of war which allows Iran the legal right to retaliate anywhere she chooses.People seem to forget that WW1 and WW2 was for the most part initiated by some stupid European countries imposing sanctions and naval blockade on other emerging European country(ies).The consequence was paid by all Europeans in a heinous bloodbath that killed millions of people.

  8. [But nobody is appointed to rule the world and these countries are in no position to tell Iran what to do or how to live.]

    But Iran can tell Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Israel, Turkey, Kuwait and others how they should live???

  9. When did Iran place sanctions on Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Turkey or Kuwait?

    Israel is different because they are a colonialist outpost set up 50 years ago on stolen land.

  10. There will be war with Iran next year, thanks to the Jews.

  11. Then let's see you try it.?

  12. How come oil prices are not increasing rapidly?

    Does the world not think the mighty Iran can close the Strait of Hormuz?

    Iran's Navy is the envy of the world!

    Long Live Admiral Sayyari!!!

  13. Anon 9:11 AM

    This will finally force the muslim coward Obama to take action, if he wants to have any chance of getting reelected!

    I'm sick and tired of dungheads like you who falsely portrayed Obama as a muslim. He's a christian, not a muslim so get it through your thick skull!

  14. Anon 10:25 AM

    But Iran can tell Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Israel, Turkey, Kuwait and others how they should live???

    That's a load of nonsense and you know it.

  15. December 28, 2011 9:55 AM, Iranian regime lovers like you have been coming onto this blog (even as little as a week or two ago) and saying that the sanctions could never hurt Iran, the sanctions were making Iran stronger, the sanctions were making the quality of life in Iran better than life in any western what gives......why do you want to go to war over the sanctions........ NOW???

  16. Just like the world was shocked by Hezbollah defeating israel!
    you anti IRI,simpleton monkeys will be shocked. And will eat your words! when Iran edges out a victory!
