
Monday, October 10, 2011

Majlis Seats to Increase by 20

Iran’s Interior Minister Mohammad Najjar said in Tehran today that the new Majlis (the Ninth Majlis) would have 20 more seats than the current one. The increase will put the total number of seats at 310. The elections for the Ninth Majlis will be held on 2 March 2012.


  1. Twenty more seats,really?!
    Why not have 500 seats and let them party with Iran's money.
    223 or 500 seats it wont make a difference,they are but a rubber stamp.

  2. Hopefully the ninth and last Majlis under this stupid decrepit and corrupt theocracy of free loaders and criminals.

  3. Fantastic news! This is what I've been waiting for all my life!
    Truly how free Iran is that they could produce another 20 seats so that they can park their fat asses on,wow!

  4. Fill it with more free loading thieves.
