
Sunday, July 3, 2011

CBI Barred from Publishing Data on Inflation

The Iranian government agency Supreme Council for Statistics today barred the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) from publishing the rate of inflation in the country. The move came weeks prior to expected release by CBI of the final inflation rate for the preceding fiscal year, ending 20 March 2011. The CBI has traditionally released semi-annual and annual rates of inflation in the country, going back to the shah’s regime.

In the past three years, however, the CBI had first refused to release any figures on the rates of economic growth and inflation in the country, which the observers attributed it to the pressure excreted by the government for not releasing disappointing figures, and two months ago released bits and pieces of incomplete statistics on the growth and inflation rates. The government agency did not say whether the CBI was also barred from publishing the economic growth data.


  1. There are certain statistics the US government doesn't publish pertaining to oil reserves. The reason given is national security.

    As Iran is engaged in a cold war and being subjected to economic warfare, it makes sense that publishing certain statistics will be suspended from time to time.

  2. I second the statement above.

    Its Irans right to avoid giving its enemies an indicator.

  3. What has the publication of inflation rate has to do with Iran's enemies! The indication is that it is far worth than expeced given the reason hike in utilities prices.

    So as per norm from the philistine readers in this forum if the rate is published it is good, if it is not publisheh then it must be good as well. Stop fooling yourself

  4. wow, the comments below are so disturbing! Who are you people? I don't even think an element of Revolutionary Guard would justify this news in such manner! If US is the "Great Satan", then why copying its policies is ok? What does this have to do with US anyway? How is it Iran's government's right to not show its citizens how their resources are being used? Believe me, the enemy has much better data of the Iran than CBI. It is every Iranian's right to know what the heck is happening with their economy.

  5. Publishing the inflation rate has nothing to do with national security, let's be real. Barring its publication has a lot to do with a government wanting to control information that it considers harmful politically. No serious economy can refuse publishing latest inflation and GDP growth rates. This is outrageous. And more outrageous would be for the government to claim national security reasons for its action.

  6. Iran's enemies live in Tehran, not in Washington.

  7. Mr Uskowi,

    Well said. May be you should put this to the self-proclaimed expert on this blog Amir Taheri who twists and turns everything in favour of Iran? I am sure he will delight u with further nonsense!

  8. It is quite interesting that the people who take the side of the Islamic Republic in every single matter and policy declaration even the most idiotic ones, on this website do it in the name of nationalism. you can not be nationalists. You are probably islamists, otherwise destroying harmless statues of "Arash Kamangir" and "Aryobarzan" should make you sad.
    One national trade amongst iranians is opportunism (probably because of the long history of this nation being on the crossroad of many invaders and a well developed instinct to survive hardships and prosecution)
    Mr Amir Taheri's article is a good example of (many Iranian-Americans, Iranian-Europeans) heading home looking for business oportunities, to make some easy, quick money, dealing with whoever happens to have the power at the moment(selling their soul to the devil, not caring about the lack of democracy, freedom of speach, political prisoners etc..) in this plague stricken country.
    In a country where the president (Yesterday) reveals (something everybody knew by the way) that the military, the IRGC, the judicary etc... each have their own ports and small airports smuggling merchandise, there is no surprise if the Central bank is pohibited to publish any figures.
    Mr Larijani the speaker of "Majlis" said today that if the parlament approves something and we later find out that the Supreme leader is against it , we will change it ! Becry this country and its people.
    The clock has been turned back to the time before the constitutional revolution in Iran and to the "Ghajar dynasti". This country is in fact being run as a feodal system "Molluko tavaefi" where every military, paramilitary, intelligence organ has a say, often contradicting each other.
    Montesquieu the grate 18:th Century French political scientist in his famous book "The spirit of law" says:
    "Every nation desreves the political system and leaders governing them" !

  9. What is the source for this blog post?

  10. A number of news sources, including IRNA. You can read one of the better reports at Donya-e Eghtesad:

  11. Giving an idicator of how successful pumping printed money into Iran is (from IRAQ).

    The success of sanctions are partly measured through how succesfully the Israeli AIPAC been in driving up Irans inflation and what is there to be done yet.

    Iran should disinform as much as it possibly can to frustrate the very anti Iranian A.Holes of the world.

  12. What kind of nonsense is that? Printed money by APIAC flooding Iran via Iraq !! As long as you have
    "Dr"! Ahmadinejad and Basiji thugs running the country, you don't need APIAC.
    By the way if 17 million Jews are so smart and intelligent to run the whole world and the only thing the muslims can do is to every now on then blow themelves up, then you have only yourselves to blame !

  13. Its not being smart, its having the criminal energy and talent to blackmail and assassinate and terrorize and .....

    you do ur thing and let them do theirs... at the end of the day either they are screwed or you.

    mean time don't be such an arse mr last anon.
