
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Iran Official Links Stuxnet to US and Israel

The Commander of Civil Defense Organization of Iran Qolam Reza Jalili today said in Tehran that the US and Israel were behind the computer worm Stuxnet attacks on the nuclear facilities in the country.

Jalili becomes the first Iranian official to accuse the US and Israel over the Stuxnet attacks. The Bushehr nuclear power plant was reportedly among the targets, where several technical problems have been blamed for delays in getting the facility fully operational.

Jalali said once the worm mounts on a system, it begins to gather information and then sends reports from the infected machines to designated Internet addresses.

"Investigations and studies show that the source of Stuxnet originates from America and the Zionist (Israel) regime," Jalali, said. "After following up the (Stuxnet-generated) reports that were sent out, it became clear that the final destinations were the Zionist regime and the American state of Texas," he added [IRNA, 16 April].


  1. This stuxnet is bound to come back and haunt the industrial nations.

    as western coup attemps in Iran were taken up by US allies and the method backfired.. so shall this little mathematical program.

    for Gods sake, Iranians win medals on the world stage regarding Physics and Maths.

    A computer worm/virus is no more than a mathematical program.

  2. Well, this Iranian official is only repeating what's been droned on about for months now in the Western press. So why do the Western newswires make such a fuss over this?

    I mean, according to IAEA stats, it wasn't really that big a deal for Iran's nuclear program, confirming FM Salehi's explanation.

  3. I thought that our dear leader, months ago, said that stuxnet was not a problem and that all is good?

    Our nuclear plant is now online and all other weapons systems in our country are ready to fire!

    We have sent disinformation back to the zionists & amerikans!

    Soon our new Irainian developed STUX-NET III will force the western countries to give up all hope.

  4. @ anonym April 16, 2011 12:48 PM
    Who are you, the Comodo Hacker? LOL How can you that?
