
Monday, April 25, 2011

Ahmadinejad Back in Office

A news website close to President Ahmadinejad earlier today denied rumors that he had resigned the presidency and later even removed the denial post. Reports about Ahmadinejad’s resignation started circulating in Tehran on Sunday when the cabinet met chaired not by Ahmadinejad but by Mohammad Reza Rahimi, the First Vice President, even though Ahmadinejad was in Tehran at the time of the meeting. That cabinet meeting was the first one attended by the intelligence minister Moslehi after he was fired by Ahmadinejad and later reinstated by Ayatollah Khamenei.

Uskowi on Iran received an email from a normally reliable source telling us of Ahmadinejad’s resignation on Sunday evening. We chose not to publish the report because we could not confirm it through a secondary source. We now understand that the president did in fact submitted his resignation on Sunday but was soon visited by the Majlis Speaker Larijani who asked him to withdraw his resignation. We also understand that Ahmadinejad met with the supreme leader earlier today (Monday) and then showed up at Marmar Palace, the office of the president, after an absence since the controversy over the firing and reinstatement of the intelligence minister broke last week.


  1. because lack of interesting news from iran , some must create rumors to keep themself busy.
    Aghmadi nejad resigned , Ahmadi nejad against khameni.

  2. The shah once said in 10 or 15 years time Iran will be like the west. And yes I agreed, there is a working democracy that all other punkies seem too blind to see. Since the 90s Iran does not import any military equipments from the west and on top of that Iran set its own agenda irrespective of what the world think. Keep dreaming if you think Iran will go on its knees. Syria may go out of the equation but Israel may as well get in the equation once again.
