
Thursday, March 24, 2011

UN to Name Human Rights Investigator for Iran

The UN Human Rights Council agreed today to establish a UN human rights investigator for Iran. The 47-member Geneva-based council approved the resolution by 22 votes in favor, 7 against, and 14 abstentions. The council voiced concern at Iran's crackdown on opposition figures and increased use of the death penalty, and called on the Islamic Republic to cooperate with the UN envoy to be named to the independent post. The Council's predecessor body, the Human Rights Commission, named a special rapporteurs on Iran in 1984, who was withdrawn in 2002 during the presidency of Mohammad Khatami.


  1. This is what it's all about, summed up by none other than Ken Pollack:

    "[W]e must expand the focus of the pressure: from ire at the nuclear program to ire at Iran’s abuse of human rights. There are lots of countries that abuse human rights, and the Iranians will doubtless claim a double standard. But the past thirty years have demonstrated that the world is actually quite comfortable with double standards, harshly punishing some human-rights abusers while ignoring others. This is not to condone such hypocrisy, only to point out that it should not be seen as a practical obstacle to pressing the Iranian regime ...":

    It's all about the cold war being directed against Iran by the US, and not actual human rights. How could it be? Guantanimo is still "in business."

  2. Who made the UN the police or government of the world?

    Can Iran also declare "war on terror" and brand every one it imprisons as terrorist? Sounds fair to me.That way, all these "feel good" countries will see the BIG picture and wouldn't dare question Iran over it's fight against terrorist.Seems to work well for the US and her humanist allies. They always see human right abuses in far away from their own home..

    While they're at it, they should also arrange one for the US + her tag-along-countries for all the atrocities they've committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen etc...

    Now, this UN farce will only materialize only if the Iranian government cooperate with them.FAT CHANCE..In Iran, only Iranian law stands supreme.Any other law is BS..

    Meanwhile, the true victims of human rights abuses continue to suffer while their case is hijacked by dubious cretins to further their political objectives.Sick world!!!

  3. All of these difficulties, because a self proclaimed artist had to satisfy his ego by fomenting riots. Mousavi is one of the most carelessly evil and destructive "leaders" Iran has ever had.

  4. "Who made the UN the police or government of the world?"

    The UN was set up by governments around the world, including Iran, signing a treaty. If Iran doesn't like the UN, it can freely leave.


  5. John Bolton is a good candidate, to make matters more ridicolus.

  6. lets not be aggressive. everyone has done mistakes and if we didnt spend so much time blaming each other we might of done something to fix them. the content of this comment includes people of all nations!!
