
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unrest in Tehran

The opposition has come out for the second time in a week to stage anti-government protests in Tehran and other major cities in Iran. Today's actions were called in memory of two fallen protesters during last week’s demonstrations.

Eyewitnesses from Tehran report that pockets of hundreds of protesters have stages simultaneous demonstrations in Vali Asr Square, Keshavarz Blvd, Amir Abad, Enghelab, Vanak and Haft-e Tir Squares, many chanting “Death to the Dictator.”

There are reports of hundreds of security forces in civilian cloths driving through the streets of Tehran in motorcycles, wielding batons and clubs, and some armed, chasing away and beating the protesters. There are reports of tear gas being used by regular police forces as well, but because of heavy rain in Tehran their effect is minimal. Shotguns have been heard, but there are no confirmed reports of casualties, although some eyewitnesses are reporting that a protester has been killed in Haft-e Tir Square.


  1. bnot every demo is unrest
    in a 12-14 mill City, if 100 or even 10,000 are protesting you can ignore it.

    If you want unrest then bring 500,000 people at the street

  2. Sharpshooters on the streets?

  3. Iran is a democracy and protests take place, the dead are killed by BBC sponsored MKO to pretend "unrest" and all this is reflected into a 5-to- 12 status quo for the naive Iranians living in America.

    NOT in Europe, since in Europe the press is a bit more free than the USA, so we get better information.

    IRAN is not in danger of falling into chaos and disintegration.

    I wont post here anymore

