
Monday, November 29, 2010

Wikileaks releases planned in advance: Iran‎

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provided his perspective on the Wikileaks docs related to Iran, as reported by PressTV:

Iran's President has questioned the recent leaked documents obtained and published by the Wikileaks website, saying the US administration "released" material intentionally.

In response to a question by Press TV on Monday over the whistleblower website's "leaks," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said "let me first correct you. The material was not leaked, but rather released in an organized way."

"The US administration released them and based on them they pass judgment …. [The documents] have no legal value and will not have the political effect they seek," the Iranian chief executive added at the press briefing in Tehran.

Ahmadinejad stressed that the Wikileaks "game" is "not worth commenting upon and that no one would waste their time reviewing them."

"The countries in the region are like friends and brothers and these acts of mischief will not affect their relations," he added.

It is a curious thing that out of some 251,000 docs, Wikileaks so far has only uploaded 226, with a highly selective and disproportionate dump of those relating to US narratives on Iran.

For their part, the Iranians seem to be taking this cooly. They've agreed to further talks in Geneva, despite the Wiki-releases and a recent attack on a pair of their nuclear scientists. And they haven't so much as intimated any knee-jerk diplomatic repercussions in the region.

Video (Persian):


  1. Somebody is thinking in Tehran

    Thats good.

  2. I can't think of another country that's able to respond so cooly to such obvious provocations and pressure campaigns. Certainly the US and North Korea aren't capable of such!

    They really seem to be in control of the situation, contrary to all the anti-Iran narratives provided here in the West. For his part, I can't remember a time where Ahmadinejad has ever flinched or lost his cool. He's been surprised once or twice, but that seems to be the extent of it.

    Quite a composed and measured response so far from Tehran.

  3. This wikileaks is nonsense and part of the US/Zionist disinformation campaign and intended cause regional hostilities. Most are made up lies to create problems amongst Arabs and Muslim nations and create bad blood in the region and pit Arabs against Iran. The US is nothing but an idiotic lier whose evil agenda can be seen through easily. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has once agian proved his astute understanding of US insidious agenda and how its behaves in the world. Wikileaks is a franchise of the CIA.

  4. Hmmmm.....this is indeed another sticky bomb, the worm is eating away at the brains!

  5. So much information on Iran and not a single word on Israel, doesn't it alarm your brain cells--

    loool... anyone believing this disinformation, actually wants to believe this disinformation

    Dariush London

  6. I have no doubt that Wikileaks is true.
    The Arab countries like saudi , Emirate fearing Iran more than US/Israel.
    They see that Iran is strong and successful, themself are weak. They fearing not iran invasion, they are fearing own people to be inspired by iran revolution and overthrown this backward regimes

  7. These wikileaks are the 21st century version of the old British lies policy that they played during the great game in India and the Muslim world. Now the Americans, who are more stupid and violent are trying to pit Muslim nations against each other as they loot the Middle-East's natural resources and prop-up the Zionist entity which is a cancer in the heart of the Muslim world. These leaks have Zionist disinformation written all over them

  8. It's high time to set aside angry and conspiracy theory-based reactions to the WikiLeaks documents on Iran and start examining them carefully for their tone and their meanings in relation to Iran's foreign policy. This is a much more fruitful exercise than a conversation on the timing and selectiveness of the releases, although that also has its own place and importance.

    Never before the historians had access to so many diplomatic cables so early after their transmission. I have copied the link to Iran cable viewer on my post above. I invite all to send their critical comments on the cables themselves.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This is lame. Obama just shut down up to 75 internet sights in the US instantly for whatever reasons yesterday and they can't do anything about wikileaks?

    Iranians, get over it, the world doesn't revolve around you, there are other countries listed in there as well. This is just the Republicans having fun with the Democrats and not some Zionist conspiracy to infiltrate the middle east to take over the universe.

  11. Wrong last dude,

    It is all about Iran and trying to breake Iran.

    If Iran does Not break then others shall raise and follow suit.

    Dariush London

  12. 3:37 Take a break from the coolade and have a cupcake, it will put a smile on your face.

  13. What makes me smile is if u gag on my....
