
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ahmadinejad Visits South Lebanon

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today visited southern Lebanese town of Bint Jbil, where there was fierce fighting between Israel and Hezbollah in 2006. The town lies only 2.5 miles from the Israeli border. While at Bint Jbil, Ahmadinejad declared, “the world should know that Zionists are mortal.”

Ahmadinejad also visited Qana, where 106 Lebanese civilians were killed in 1996 when Israeli aircraft struck a base run by UN peacekeepers in which villagers had sought shelter.

"You are victorious and your enemies are defeated," Ahmadinejad said in Qana. "You will stay and your enemies, who are the enemies of humanity, are on their way to demise and annihilation. You are honored and your Zionist enemies are humiliated and weak," he added.

In Bint Jbeil, Ahmainejad had said Israelis had no option but "surrender” and go back to “their first homes."

Back in Beirut, Ahmadinejad met Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in the Iranian Embassy. Nasrallah was seen in Al Manar TV footage giving Ahmainejad an Israeli rifle as a gift, which Hezbollah said had been captured during the 2006 war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Ahmadinejad from a hall in Tel Aviv where Israel’s first premier, David Ben-Gurion, declared the creation of Israel in 1948.

"We heard today the cursing and the language of contempt from the Lebanon border," Netanyahu said. "We will continue to build our country and we will know very well how to defend it," he added.

Sources: Reuters, Al Manar TV


  1. To the Arab street, Mahmoud's comments are sort'a akin to Reagan's "Tear down this wall", or Kennedu's "Ich bin ein Berliner."

  2. To the rest of the world he looks like an ignorant monkey while talking out of his a** and in the end will end up the same way as the coward hilter and saddam hussein except with less dignity.

  3. Hitler and Saddam were evil, but neither of them were cowards.

    Nasrallah appears to be a coward. As to Ahmedinejad, I don't know.

    His visit to Lebanon seemed to be a triumphal visit to a conquered country, like Hitler in Paris.

  4. @ anon 1:17
    He looks like a Monkey because he is a "semite"... (so not realy his fault) his Jewish family converted 80 years ago, but it will take 5 generations to be fully Iranianized.

    However, Hitler and Saddam were Mass murderes.. Like Bush and Chaney.

    Get them first before you raise your arse in the air.

    Sir Dariush London

  5. @Dariush

    He looks like a Monkey because he is a "semite".

    Wtf? Do you really have to resort to such hateful and juvenile racism?

    anon 1:17 made a stupid, baseless comment that didn't even justify a response, let a lone one that includes derogatory remakes about people of semitic origin.

  6. Nader, the way you end this post giving the last word to Netanyahu is quite interesting I have to say.

  7. London,

    If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive.

    Hitler was a coward because he commited suicide... Saddam because he was afraid to face reality and was hiding in a hole...

    I will have a circus in my heart the day Amadinejad realizes he may have been related to the Kings from the East said to have visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense.

    Have an awesome day.

  8. last anon,

    Semites are like butterflies with their egos, you touch them once , they never fly them monkeys they think of one everytime they look in the mirror....

    Iranians are used to insults, by people far better than you....God knew that in advance and compensated Iranians with massive genitals ;) in return....

    Stop tiring yourself in insulting Iranians and thou shalt be spared.
    We have ben immunized by God, but you ??!!!

    Sir Dariush London

  9. London,

    I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

  10. last silly anon,

    you being nicer is a self-preservation thing... but I pretend it to be what you want it to be...

    enjoy the banana

    Sir Dariush London

  11. Sir Dariush

    Your typically Iranian intractable stance is appreciated, but please leave a bit of dignity for retreating armies,because there is a tommorrow and we have to live with them after conquoring them.

    God bless you and all Iranians across the globe (except the MKO)


  12. London, I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

    Have a nice day.

  13. last anon

    you seem to have forgotten how to consume a banana.
    Its eatable and not insertable.

    But I am sure you will find out after it starts hurting you...

    What your visualizations are concerned... in our world they call it hallucinations, and there exists a pill for it.

    Sir Dariush London

  14. Last anon,

    sorry but I am not an Israeli, don't know what to say to your noise.

    Iranians react only to "Sir"

    Sir Dariush London

  15. Sir Microphallus, if the need to crown yourself queen helps you to get over your insecurity that's well done but its autumn and your shedding. At the risk of bragging...isn't it written cagafuego?
