
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Panahi, Renowned Film Director, Arrested in Tehran

Iran’s renowned film director Jafar Panahi was arrested last night in Tehran. Panahi’s films, “Circle”, “Crimson Gold” and “Offside”, have won many awards at international festivals. Panahi is a supporter of Iran’s Green movement.

“About 10 on Monday evening, several plainclothes agents broke into the house,” Panah Panahi, the director’s son, told Rahesabz website.

Panahi, his wife and daughter as well as 15 guests were arrested and taken to an unknown location, Panah said, adding that the agents had searched the house and confiscated personal belongings and computers.


  1. I enjoyed "Offside." The NAJA conscript soldiers were my favorite characters. I liked the way it ended with "Ey Iran."

  2. It's a shame that Panahi should be behind bars today.

  3. Mark,

    Do you had copy of the film?

  4. claims are of other issues than politics, since he is not that prominent or relevant or a game changer of a person,

    there are bigger sharks out there than this case I tend to give the Iranian justice the benefit of the doubt.

    But as always it depends who you ask.

  5. Never liked his films,he owes me 2€ for renting a film I fell asleep while watching.
    The film had a scratch, and kept causing crashes on my DVD player.
    Have to admit I cursed him for the frustration and God heard me ;)

    just kidding, hope he comes out soon.
