
Friday, February 19, 2010

IAEA Report on Iran

In the most blunt language to date, IAEA said on Thursday Iran was pursuing nuclear weapon capabilities and it feared Iran might be working now to develop a nuclear-armed missile. The statements came in the latest report released by IAEA on Iran’s nuclear program.

IAEA report also confirmed Iran’s claim that it has produced its first small batch of 20-percent enriched uranium. The report added that Iran has set aside the vast bulk of its low enriched uranium for reprocessing to the higher-enriched uranium. Iran has said its purpose to produce higher enriched uranium were to produce fuel for Tehran reactor.

The report said Iran has added 250 kg of LEU to its stockpile since November, to a total of 2,060 kg. Adding that Iran has earmarked 1,950 kg of its LEU for reprocessing to 20-percent purity. Experts say this quantity of 20-percent uranium far exceeds the fuel needs for Tehran research reactor.

IAEA also reports on problems facing Natanz LEU processing unit. Its number of active centrifuges has dropped to 3,772 from nearly 4,000 in the past few months. Experts believe the drop might be the result of mechanical problems with the old-design centrifuges.


  1. Nader, here is the full text of the IAEA Board of Governor’s recent report on the Islamic Republic of Iran. Can you please point to where exactly the "IAEA said on Thursday Iran was pursuing nuclear weapon capabilities."

    Concerning the "fear" that "Iran might be working now to develop a nuclear-armed missile", isn't this in reference to the so-called "laptop of death" which has been around since 2004? Isn't this referred to as "Alleged Studies" by the IAEA? Hardly new, any of it. For a recounting of the "Alleged Studies" from the perspective of Iran, see here.)

    What is new is that Iran has now relocated nearly its entire stock of low-enriched uranium (LEU) to the Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant (PFEP), where re-enrichment has begun. Also, a process line has been completed at Iran’s Uranium Conversion Facility to produce “natural uranium metal ingots” for R&D purposes, with another process line being planned to make metal from 19.7% enriched UF6 — basically what’s now being produced at PFEP, also for purposes of R&D.

    While these developments might come as a disappointment to some, really they represent the failure of the US and the West to properly address Iran's nuclear power program, with respect given to Iran's rights under the NPT.

  2. "Altogether, this raises concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile. These alleged activities consist of a number of projects and sub-projects, covering nuclear and missile related aspects, run by military related organizations." (page 9)

    Mark, this is the most blunt language ever used by IAEA. Personally, I have no information if Iran is actually making a nuclear weapon.

    The earmark of nearly 2 tons of lEU for 20-percent conversion also raises questions. Does Iran need all that for Tehran reactor fuel? What do you think?

    It is not a matter of being disappointed at Iran's actions, although Iran forces you at times to become disappointed at their actions, it's analyzing whether Iran is making the nuclear weapon. The supreme leader has denied it. is he telling the truth?

  3. Mark,

    BTW, pursuing nuclear weapon capabilities is not same as pursuing nuclear weapon. the so-called Japanese option of being ready to build the bomb in short notice. Is Iran pursuing such capability? If you produce more enrich uranium than you need to run reactors in operation, then you might argue that yes they are doing just that. What do you think?

  4. In response to Mr Uskowi’s querying Iran’s reasons for seeking to enrich to 20 percent, the answer is best given by the former head of IAEA Hans Blix in his most recent interview with the German “Spiegel” journal. Here he acknowledges that Iran “needs uranium enriched to 20 percent for its research reactor, in order to produce isotopes for medical use. Tehran had the same problem once before, in the early 1980s. The United States had built a research reactor for Tehran, Iran had ordered nuclear fuel and had even paid for it, but then came the mullahs' revolution, and America refused to deliver the fuel. The West has faced a dilemma since then: If we don't supply them with the fuel, Iran has a reason to produce it itself.” Here is the link:,1518,677837,00.html

  5. its the same story over and over again, they are gona go after Iran no matter what, we might as well ignore the artificial hype created by the western media

    I would much rather read and find more out about the Jamaran ship

    please have the courtesy...

  6. What is the definition of 'nuclear-armed missile' and what exactly does it mean.Could someone please tell us?

  7. If the "experts" say that the 1950kg of LEU Iran has put aside for enrichment to 20 percent for research and production of medical isotopes, then why is it that the Western powers demand that ALL of it be exported in exchange for - wait for it - 20 percent fuel for research and medical isotopes?

    This is one of the stumbling blocks in the October 2009 offer. They want practically ALL of Iran's LEU in exchange for the PROMISE of far smaller amount of 20 percent fuel.
